Akaneiro: Demon Hunters - Discussion Thread

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Secret Agent Man
You think Alice was sick, check out Ms.Red Riding Hood!





Developer American McGee has made a career out of taking classic children’s tales and turning them into dark and stylish games. Well, it appears that McGee and his Spicy Horse team plan to add yet another iconic character to their reimagining ranks, which already includes Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and a wide array of characters from the Grimm's Fairytales. And that character is Little Red Riding Hood.

McGee posted a couple pieces of concept art for the game on his Flickr page (via Games Watch), and explained that he’ll be pitching the game, which appears to be called Red, at this year’s Game Developers Conference next week.

Source: G4TV
Time to change the name of the thread title. The game is called 'Akaneiro: Demon Hunters'.

American McGee’s Spicy Horse Games studio has announced Akaneiro: Demon Hunters for PC, tablets and webbrowsers. It’s a unique free-to-play Action-RPG that combines Japanese art and folklore with the classic Red Riding Hood tale.

You might know developer Spicy Horse from their latest game Alice: Madness Returns and upcoming social action game Bighead Bash. This time around the studio will put a spin on the Red Riding Hood fairy tale, with the retelling set in mid-19th century Japan.

The game’s website explains what Akaneiro: Demon Hunters is about:

The game finds a battle-hardened “Red†fighting demons, wolves and mythical monsters. Set to be released in 2012 on mobile and online platforms. The Order of Akane is an elite and ancient group of demon hunters. Members of the Order are referred to as Red Hunters. Red Hunters undertake field missions combating the proliferation of Yokai (Japanese folk monsters, ghosts and demons). They are almost Knights Templar-like in devotion to duty and righteousness. In the role of a famed Red Hunter, it is your task to restore balance and quell the restless Yokai by force.

Game Checklist:

* Become one of the Order of Akane – an elite group of demon hunters inspired by the Red Riding Hood tale.

* Fight beasts & demons drawn straight from the pages of Japanese folklore.

* Defeat the Demon Kings and purge the Yokai Demon threat from sacred Yomi Island.

Source: Videogamesblogger

Official website: Angry-Red
Both, Alice Madness Returns & Shadows of the Damned are twisted games. The latter relies on a lot of cheap humor, while the former is just sadistic. Remember, these are 2 different games which have nothing in common, except for 1 level, which you play in 2D. Both are worth playing though.
I understand and agree as well. Both these games had very marginal advertising and fairly decent reviews. American McGee's games usually have a twisted sense of imagination and storyline. So not everyone would be willing to play them. I was more intrigued with the hack-en-slash elements of Alice, but then it turned out to be pretty decent game. Let's see what Akaneiro has installed for us.
I understand and agree as well. Both these games had very marginal advertising and fairly decent reviews. American McGee's games usually have a twisted sense of imagination and storyline. So not everyone would be willing to play them. I was more intrigued with the hack-en-slash elements of Alice, but then it turned out to be pretty decent game. Let's see what Akaneiro has installed for us.

You seem to be expecting too much from a Flash game.
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