Alarm/sound when file download stops or speed falls?

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is there anyway using cmd or any software which can do this job.basically i want an alarm system kinda thing which can play some sound or mp3 file when my download stops or speed decreases (in other words when network traffic on a particular network adapter gets down a particular level lets say below 10KB/sec,it should play a mp3)

my internet speed is 512 kbps (64 KBps) ,so i want my PC to give me some kind of alert/sound when speed on a particular network adapter goes below,lets say 10KBps...and if instead of monitoring a particular adapter it can monitor individual applications too,like IDM,utorrent,jdownloader,firefox etc then it would be great...

is there such a thing or way to do that using cmd?i was looking at netstat and net command but couldnt figure out a way to do what i want.

I did some research and found only NetSNSOR,but it plays alarm only when internet goes down.
IDM can play a sound if download fails and if the network slows down you can get sound alert using Networx ;)
^ Thanks a lot
i haven't tested it thoroughly but looks like it is exactly what i needed,plus it has so many cool stuff ,i was using netlimiter(crappy in front of networx) till now to monitor speed but networx looks like a really cool and light i missed it for so many years when i am always looking for such applications to add in my list of "must have apps"..

again, thanks a lot.this app is awesome.
I did not know about networx but 2 years back when i had BSNL 3G connection and i was in all download mode, i wanted to a way to know the disconnection happened and at that time i had some small software which sort of tried connecting to internet/some website every 2 min and if the connection failed, an MP3 would sound and that meant the connection went down and then i would go and reconnect.
Will try networkx, it can monitor 3G modem connections right ?
^ I already have batch file to ping google every 60 secongs and if ping failed then %errorlevel% will have some value other than 0 and after comparing it in if condition, it will reconnect the connection again but i couldnt check the speed with it,many times ,due to many reasons speed gets reduced or download gets stuck but with networx i can set the notification for "alert if download is less than 20MB in 5 minutes" or so according to what my download speed should if speed falls then it will pay a mp3 file at full volume and i will come and check the reason for speed drop.....awesome!!!!

yes it should work with 3G modem too,it gives a list of netowrk connection to monitor,select only the one you want to monitor.

and you could check internet disconnection with NetSNSOR app or using my batch file too,just add an extra line to play a mp3 file in else condition :)

Anyway this is the batch file i am using which works flawlessly (but it will work when you don't have username and pass saved in modem,instead you created a dialer in windows to connect...i always use dialer because in this way i can get a new ip quickly by disconnecting and ip is to bypass file hosting sites limitations per ip)

sleep 60
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo inside if >> "check.log"
date /T >> "check.log"
time /T >> "check.log"

) else (
echo ########################inside else############# >> "check.log"
date /T >> "check.log"
time /T >> "check.log"

rasdial Airtel /disconnect
sleep 5

echo ============================== >> "check.log"
goto start
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that batch file looks cool ..thinking of giving it a try ;) but what command line options should be used to play a mp3 file or better if you can post the complete code.
^just add a line to call the mp3 file,full location inside quotes....
but since this code will reconnect on connection failure so there is no need to play MP3 for me....but for those who have username and pass saved in modem,it can be good...but those guys wont be able to reconnect using dialer and so dialer("rasdial /dosonnect" and "rasdial Airtel user pass" lines) lines should be removed...
sleep 60
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo inside if >> "check.log"
date /T >> "check.log"
time /T >> "check.log"

) else (
echo ########################inside else############# >> "check.log"
date /T >> "check.log"
time /T >> "check.log"

rasdial Airtel /disconnect
sleep 5
"D:\Avril Lavigne - What the Hell.mp3"
echo ============================== >> "check.log"
goto start
thanks a lot for the hole code :) and it's really nice to see the name of Avril Lavigne - I just love to listen to her song and I think I'll use Sk8er Boi ;)
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