Albatron says that mainboards with digital clock-generator from Timelab have higher overclocking potential compared to ordinary motherboards. The company said that an Intel Pentium 4 3.40GHz processor can be overclocked up to 4250MHz using air cooling on the new Albatron PX975X mainboard, whereas the same chip on a typical platform runs at about 3910MHz when overclocked.
Now to say that its the new king will be too much as many have seen P4 630s(air-cooled) clocked higher then what they have to say. But with Digital Clock-Generator and Ultra Cool 6/7 phase cpu power circuit, this one looks more fit for Conroe then P4s. The board also has TWO 24-pin ATX power connectors?? Looks like Dual-Cores and Dual-GFX need more attention then we think, hence two ATX Connectors. Well this is certainly interesting and confusing at the same time. Untill someone actually tests this one with Conroe + Crossfire.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that it has 10 SATA ports and heatpipe cooling solution making it silent board, but the best thing is LIFETIME WARRANTY