Ho0ligaN said:Ho0li:dude, what size is pulsar 150 front wheel?
sanjay: 17"
Ho0li: and rx?
sanjay: 18
sanjay: both front n back 18
Ho0li: lol dude then doesnt your speedo give you wrong info? pulsar speedos are calibrated for 17"
Ho0li: right?
Ho0li: u alive?
*Total Bolti Bandh* after this...
Ho0ligaN said:Ho0li:dude, what size is pulsar 150 front wheel?
sanjay: 17"
Ho0li: and rx?
sanjay: 18
sanjay: both front n back 18
Ho0li: lol dude then doesnt your speedo give you wrong info? pulsar speedos are calibrated for 17"
Ho0li: right?
Ho0li: u alive?
*Total Bolti Bandh* after this...
Rahul M: have u seen company
karthik: wat company?
Rahul M: ajay devgan
Rahul M: vivek oberoi,manisha koirala
karthik: :S
karthik: oberoi?
karthik: some business man
karthik: these guys set up a company kya?
Rahul M:
Rahul M:)
karthik: wat?!!
Rahul M: i am gonna post this part
karthik: wat part?
Rahul M: lol.......havent u herd of the movie company
karthik: X-(>
karthik: movie?
Rahul M: yeah
karthik: arre mam...aap jyada tung mart karo bbap