hehe.. the DFI that i am using was supposed to be a temporary solution, so i hadnt bothered to install the sound card on it. but i installed it last week and loving every minute of it now..Decadent_Spectre said:but why?...what did ya do with the card?
:rofl: !!!TheMask said:not sure if u rememeber, but u owe me 200 bucks.. lol.. hehe..
TheMask said:Safin .. says:
among all this some very good news
Safin .. says:
1) i have been gifted <**some junkie stuff**> free.. thats 150$ worth software
Safin .. says:
and if thats not good enough... me also been gifted <**more junk**> costing 100$
Safin .. says:
Abu says:
whao!! wat can i say.. ur gal friend is too generous
Safin .. says:
dirty fellow
Safin .. says:
he is a boy
Safin .. says:
oh no.. now don't you say what you gonna say
Safin .. says:
i must weigh my words before i put them in writing next time
Abu says:
TheMask said:hehe.. the DFI that i am using was supposed to be a temporary solution, so i hadnt bothered to install the sound card on it. but i installed it last week and loving every minute of it now..
not sure if u rememeber, but u owe me 200 bucks.. lol.. hehe..
sunmysore: btw
sunmysore: whats that supermodel thingy?
sunmysore: arun?