All Mumbai MTNL Triband users...Llife's callin...

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Hello All of my very few posts on this forum....

Well the title of the post was to get the MTNL users to read this.....however...Im here to see if there is any respite for MTNL user as far as LAN is concerned...

All the ISPs have been enjoying LAN gaming and sharing for quite sometime and we MTNL users like very good kids have been watching them do the thing...wondering when will be out turn

So inviting all the Mumbai MTNL users to use a common channel like HAMACHI to collborate and make effective use of that we also can relish LAN gaming and sharing. I have Loads of Movies to share and would want some other users to share there stuff( no pervert meaning) with other users..

If any advanced user can guide us using some utility (like hamachi or nything else) we can make our MTNL TRIBAND ADSL connection worth it ....please share it in this thread.

Im hoping to see a lot of anticipation but some expertise is also welcome.Fell free to PM me or mail me at for ny other suggestions.
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As far as sharing stuff is concerned, although Hamachi will help in this respect, there is no point in it, simply coz the download speeds would be equal to what u'd get on torrents, might be just marginally more.

this topic has been discussed in detail on the broadband forum... havent had time to catch up with the news on this recently, but dont think there is any solution to this.

and as far as gaming is concernes, ive already enjoyed aoe n stuff through hamachi.... so no issues there. :)
Since most of the users are on some sorta Volume based or time based plan. So it doesnt make sense to use VLAN ( as it will end up in your usage), for those with unlimited accounts this is good but then they are restricted to 256Kbps.

To sum it up, its not worth it :(
After doing some thorough research I do realize that even though we will be able to share stuff but it will be accounted as our internet usage......ih ny one has differing result ...please post.

As far as gaming is concerned we can get started with that. The first step would be to download hamachi....please PM me or mail me when u r done with settin up hamachi...its damn simple...
lets get goin guys...............
Okey, i have downloaded hamachi. But I want to ask that, Whatever i do on himachi, does it counts in my Triband usage? :?
lol when i read "life's calling", i thought this was a thread to tell everyone to disconnect their connections, go outside their room and live
Seed said:
lol when i read "life's calling", i thought this was a thread to tell everyone to disconnect their connections, go outside their room and live

Tell that to Tata Broadband users, they need a life. All the time they are inflating their asses and downloading without a min break at high speed. :@
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