Audio Altec vs4121 BLK problem ! Help !


Hi guyz ! I bought altec vs4121 BLK 6 months ago but now apart from the hissing sound the subwoofer produces, i am getting heavy distortions from the speakers even when the music is not played. I doubted my sound card, changed it but still i get that rumbling sound often. How can i get help ? Does altec lansing provides service to home ?
For me, the issue has marginally subsided since yesterday. I really don't feel like disposing these speakers, as I'm quite content with it's sound and bass reproduction.
Apart from the problem i mentioned, i also face volume problem. When i am listening to the songs, watching movies, sound suddenly goes low and after a certain period it rises. This particular problem is very annoying guyz !!! Please help !! Also i am not sure that the distortion is coming out from the subwoofer. I think the rumbling sound is produced from the speakers.

Any help ?
karthikus said:
Apart from the problem i mentioned, i also face volume problem. When i am listening to the songs, watching movies, sound suddenly goes low and after a certain period it rises. This particular problem is very annoying guyz !!! Please help !! Also i am not sure that the distortion is coming out from the subwoofer. I think the rumbling sound is produced from the speakers.

Any help ?
Like I said, I have the same volume rising up and down issue as well. The rumbling sound is definitely from the woofer. I have heard it from a very close range. I was actually planning on getting it fixed locally. How old is your set?
Here's what I do minimise the problem:

Set windows volume to low & always keep speaker's volume knob past 50% mark

I guess this way speakers get more power and they groan less. Though I dont get any distortions from the speakers/woofer when I'm actually listening to stuff. Only happens when idle.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Like I said, I have the same volume rising up and down issue as well. The rumbling sound is definitely from the woofer. I have heard it from a very close range. I was actually planning on getting it fixed locally. How old is your set?
6 Months old !!! :mad:
Had the same issue but fixed it by removing it from Belkin spike guard that it was connected to. Now I just connect it straight to the power point.
Dont know if this would help but you might try if you're connecting it via UPS/Spike Guard.

Otherwise earlier when I didnt know what to do I just use to connect a cheap pair of earphones for it to stop hissing when idle.