Get a pro account and you have more than a few ways to upload your pics to Photobucket - I had close to 5000 pics to move from picasa, so I chose FTP... but they also have a nifty java-based bulk upload tool which lets you browse your computer, and preview images before you choose to upload them.rASCAL said:photobucket is good... but when u want to upload like a hundred photos , the yahoo upload s/w comes in handy.. u just drag all the images in the box and it'll start uploading , so u can upload a couple of 100 images at a time....
I am talking about the Yahoo Photos and not flicker.. plus u don't have any limit in it
Even for free accounts, I don't believe there is a 30 pics/month upload limit... during testing various services I must have uploaded 100's of pics to Photobucket.nukeu666 said:photobucket seems good except for the 30 pics/month limit (?)
picasa is for local machine only right?