Aluminium Carabiner Keychain [5 Pieces] for Rs.50 Shipped

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RS4 said:
I havent received it yet, i guess we may get it in another week or so.
Vibu said:
Me too still waiting for it..
MohitPreet said:
even i had placed the order, not received it yet , thought it was marked as shipped long time back
I have sent a message to the ebay Seller. He has not yet responded. Will post the response here once he replies.

As no one has received it yet, I don't think it is an issue worth worrying about. :P

I was just a bit concerned as my Batman which was Shipped on 25th Feb, 2011 arrived day before yesterday. But then it was sent by Registered Air Mail.
UPDATE: Just got a reply from the ebay Seller...

nehaladsul said:
Hi, angelbag88,您好!

My item was shipped on 17th February, 2011. It is 30 days and I have not received it yet. Should I be worried??

- nehaladsul

angelbag88 said:
Dear nehaladsul,

Dear friend,
we're sorry to keep you waiting, but we've already sent it out after getting your payment. not sure why you still not get it after so many days. you know we can't control of the shipping,sometimes it would be delayed or even get lost during the shipping. can you pls be patient for a few days? if you don't want to wait any more, we'd like refund to you firstly and if you receive it one day after the refund, pls pay it again. your kindly support would be much apprciated. pls let' s know your mind for that.thanks!

- angelbag88

I told him that I DO NOT want the refund and I would wait for a few more days... Really liked the fair dealing of the ebay seller. :)
^ may be bad experience for the seller shipping to india , so he is not shipping to india anymore , i think thats the reason u r not able to buy now :)
malhotraraul said:
why cannot i buy, it says not available for INDIA ???????????
I think he stopped Shipping to India... :(

This is all due to the morons at India Post... Buggers... :@ First they earn a bad repute and now due to their idiocy, we won't get stuff from ebay... :@

If they keep up this nasty attitude, soon none of the ebay international sellers will be willing to ship to India without charging heavily for Registered Air Mail. :(
yippeee received the package from hongkong today :clap:


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RS4 said:
yippeee received the package from hongkong today :clap:
What was your Order/Shipping Date?? And how is the overall Quality of the Carabiners?? How will you Rate it on a 10 scale??

Mine are yet to come... :(

Congrats BTW...
so finally some one has got it , so they must have been cleared by our dear customs and will be on its way to respective TEians all over India including myself :p
nehaladsul said:
What was your Order/Shipping Date?? And how is the overall Quality of the Carabiners?? How will you Rate it on a 10 scale??

Mine are yet to come... :(

Congrats BTW...
I ordered it on 17th Feb, The overall quality is very good and i will give it a 9/10,seven out of the ten pieces i received were snatched from me by my friends as soon as i finished with the photos :P
MohitPreet said:
i too received my packet today , only got 4 pieces , wasn't it for a pack of 5 , i got just 4 or am i mistaken ?? :P
It was supposed to be a pack of 5... Congrats anyway... U got 4 atleast...

I didn't get even a single piece yet...

BTW, what was your order date??
MohitPreet said:
u r yet to receive ur packet , u will get 5

Let's just hope that I get my package... :)

If I don't, I won't get even one... *crying* :cry:

Add to that, the seller has now stopped shipping the carabiners to India. So, getting a new set is not a possibility as well. :(
I got my package today evening... All 5 Carabiners... :yahoo:

Hope the others get their packages soon as well...

BTW, left a 5 Star rating for the seller. Request others to do the same (if possible). Reason?? Check Post # 47 :)
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