:tongue: most benchmark results of AM2 system is funny.
since I couldn't post screenshots ( maybe cause trouble with AMD )
I can only tell in words:
cpu @ 225*12=2700mhz (multiplier cannot be changed in the bios)
AMD's Stock cooler , vcore=1.32v~1.36v varies
ram @ 333mhz 5-5-5-5-15 1T 1GB*2 dualchannel
mobo = nv C51G
OS=xpsp2 with patch + nv 8.252 drivers
pi_1m=39.8sec(conroe 2.4G=21.25sec)
pcmark05 cputest=5510(conroe 2.4G=6101)
3dmark03 cputest=1073(conroe 2.4G=1413)
3Dmark05 cputest=5582(conroe 2.4G=8320)
scienmark2.0=1454(conroe 2.4G=1310)
pi_fast=46.03/58.44(conroe 2.4G=32.55/40.41)
sisoft alu=24220/11022
sisoft multi=51287/55489
sisoft mem=6919/6826
sisoft cache=7432
XS Link
Check this out, VictorWang got a shocker once again. DDR2 timings killing it or this is a early version of AM2.... but compared to Conroe(again a Sample on Test board) AM2 looks too dull.