Amazon India lightning deals

Any good deals on phones
Durga puja/Diwali sale has the biggest deals of the year.

Now if you have a budget, look for whatever options are present for your budget. Some CC cashback is nice during such small sales. S21FE S888 variant can be considered a good deal (back to 30k) if you want Samsung, won't use it on mobile data much or play games on it.


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Probably pricing error. Not deliverable.
This has been happening with Amazon frequently these days and This is exactly what croma doing since long time.

They put crazy cheap prices for some products and if you look below it says undeliverable.

This is why these days with Croma I check the pin code before becoming too excited about the price.

Atleast with Croma you find it out immediately with Amazon you come to know on payment page that you have been ----