CPU/Mobo AMD Ahlon x2 dual core processor 4600+

building a pc that ll last 5-7 years ......muhahaha ...the world of computing might be on mobiles / palm devices by then ... max u can hope for ur pc to last is like 2 years .... no matter what u buy today ... within 2 years everything new available will kick its ass all over.
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow the Core 2 Extreme X6800 the processor its self is 1,120 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only rich spoiled kids get this kind of processor :p
It will be able to play games at the highest settings for 2.5yrs. Then u will be forced to decrease the Eye Candies. Then maximum ur PC can survive in todays world is 4yrs.
his 1900XTX will produce visually splendid slideshots with the best games @ highest settings in 5 years...:rofl:

my 1800XT will start showing frames like software render...lol

But yeah 3 years with good perfomance can be expected....