CPU/Mobo AMD and Intel throw their toys out of their prams

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The Children are fighting again, and boy is it petty. Yes, this time, it is about dual cores, and the players are what you would expect, AMD and Intel. The games started a long time ago, when AMD first announced that they were doing the dual core thing in production. Not to be pipped again, like with 1GHz and 64-bit, Intel said they would get there first.

A lot of engineers probably lost some sleep over that pronouncement, and the Smithfield core was born, or more to the point, hacked together. It would be out a full quarter before AMD, HAH! Take that! No word on performance though, but it will have two cores. And it will be out first. Did we mention we are out first?

In response, what does AMD do? Well, it has a much more developed desktop and server dual core program, Intel is still far ahead on mobile, so it pulled it forward. Now AMD was before Intel. Hah, take that, did I mention WE are now first?

Not to be outdone, Intel pulled its forward, and if the press releases coming into my inbox are any indication, it pulled it forwards to today. The asterisk after today says it won't actually ship them until later this quarter in numbers you can't count to with your socks on, but hey, they are released today. Expect Dell to offer them with a long lead time, and everyone else to get them later.

There is also a strong rumoUr that HP will be releasing its Opterons, with dual cores, today. Imagine the coincidence. Now, I do like both the AMD and Intel PR people, but a cross country car trip with both in the back seat would probably lead to a bunch of unmarked graves along logging roads.

With the paper launches in full swing again, I guess it is time for me to break out the potshot cannon and fire away. Let's try and hold them to the press releases this time, for me, they won't be out until they are available in quantity, with no wait. He hit me first, no, she is sitting on my side of the seat. Behave children!
Yeah i read some previews about it.Not much noticeable difference in performance but it will be a boon for content creators and people doing video editing.
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