AMD Announces Updated HD 7950 With Higher Clocks And Boost

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AMD has announced an updated version of its HD 7950 which features updated base clocks like the HD 7970 GHz edition .


The new version gets base clock boost from 800MHz to 850 MHz . In addition , it also gets a new feature which boosts clocks when the TDP is not fully loaded . Boost feature bumps the base clock to 925MHz .

Obviously , power consumption has also increased , since they are using 1.25v on the HD 7950 which is higher than 1.218v on the HD 7970 . The reason for requirement of higher voltage is that HD 7950 uses chips which didn't make it to be HD 7970s .

The card will be identical with same name . So , board partners will just need to upgrade the BIOS to re-qualify the cards .

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