AMD ASUS Call of Duty 4 April Combat (Prize worth Rs.400,000)

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yes, true. You hear'D it Right, its Call of Duty 4 Tourney.

Powered by AMD, ASUS, ATI, SteelSeries & FatalToxic5

its all 8 tournaments abt to happen in Mumbai & Bangalore, starting from 4rth April 2009.

the 8th Tourney in Mumbai @ Game Planet Cafe on 25th April 2009 its gona be Search & Destroy in HARDCORE mode (liek CS plant n defuse mode.)



For more Info. you can Contact these ppl:
STEEL (Ajinkya): 0-9820768455
Mr. Amit (AMD gaming HEAD) : 0-9820643424

Top Indian Gamer

Fatal Toxic 5 CoD4 Clan : India
dam, saw the thread title got excited and then saw the cities and was gloomy again:@
do something in pune asus/amd
I am E!ixiR and I, along with Gohan, will be organizing these tournaments for AMD.

I would like to point out a few corrections.

1) The total prize money is going to be Rs. 100,000/- (Rs. One lakh)

2) The format for the last event at Game Planet has not yet been decided.

(It is a team game - could be Team Deathmatch or Search and Destroy)

We will soon inform you of the format. will be up in a couple of days.

However, you can check out the rules here.

And good news people, official rankings will be put up on the website so that everyone can know who the best player of the tournament is. A great way to earn respect from the COD4 community!

These rankings will take into account each frag and sniper-round deaths and will be regularly updated after each tournament.

So keep checking Top Indian Gamer for the rankings!

@ubergeek and wingmysoul: Thanks for your replies. Our list of AMD Certified cafes is growing quickly. These are cafes with ATI Radeon Graphic Cards and AMD processors. With support and encouragement from gamers like you, I am sure we can go a long way. We would definitely like to conduct competitions in more cities!

If you have any questions/queries you can contact the following:

E!ixiR - 9819021109

Gohan - 9820879509
Best of luck to all COD4 fans. Help us grow the COD4 community by inviting more gamers. We are just using DM to build a strong foundation for COD4 Teams for future team events TDM or SND lets see.

FT5 are the Optimization Partners for this tournament where they would set COD4 to give the max FPS in all the listed cafes before the tournament for you guys. Elixir and Gohan are the official organizers. Poor chaps will not get to play a single competition. Thats because they can give their best to make all the competitions successful.

Hope to see the all time DM rulers Ashgham and Das Reich back in action. I have a feeling that there will be a tough competition this time. Yo!
wingmysoul said:
dam, saw the thread title got excited and then saw the cities and was gloomy again:@
do something in pune asus/amd

Diamond is our AMD Certified Cafe in Pune. However, Since ASUS was also a part of this tournament we had to consider only those AMD Certified cafes which are powered by ASUS hardware. But still May first week-end we will conduct a special tournament in Pune at Diamond. Happy?
bloodrush said:
Diamond is our AMD Certified Cafe in Pune. However, Since ASUS was also a part of this tournament we had to consider only those AMD Certified cafes which are powered by ASUS hardware. But still May first week-end we will conduct a special tournament in Pune at Diamond. Happy?

HURRAY !!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Yo bloodrush, some really good news for the gamers from other cities.

You have certainly made many gamers happy.
Too far :( ... wish i cud be there ... :) ... np waiting for CoD4 to be enlisted in WCG list :P ..

PS : Btw .. SnD in Hardcore or Promod ?? :P .. hardcore is for nubs re ...

And do it in Kolkata :P worst place for a gamer to be in .. though we have many CoD4 players (in clans i mean), no one is interested in a tourney ...
wingmysoul said:
dam, saw the thread title got excited and then saw the cities and was gloomy again:@
do something in pune asus/amd

bloodrush said:
Diamond is our AMD Certified Cafe in Pune. However, Since ASUS was also a part of this tournament we had to consider only those AMD Certified cafes which are powered by ASUS hardware. But still May first week-end we will conduct a special tournament in Pune at Diamond. Happy?

oh thats is amazing news:hap2: ,and yes please do conduct a tournament in pune

i wanted 2 ask abt the online ranking system.... dat are the matches played goin 2 be displayed or just the overall score!??... cuz i m goin to be there from the 15th.. so i'll miss the previous tourneys!... :( :(

nd 1 more thing!... y's the p90 banned?... :huh: :huh:
i mean to say dat has it been decided by the organisers or by mutual consent!!...
becoz.... since we r goin 2 play Normal mode for non-snipe maps..... it wont make a real difference!!....
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