CPU/Mobo AMD CPU for M4A78-EM/1394 ?


Oct 26, 2009
Hi guys,

I've been moving my 6yr old(!!) AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000 onto 3 motherboards over a period of time... Currently it rests on the ASUS M4A78-EM-1394 since 18months.

I did not find the need to upgrade the processor ever coz i never had a pretty mid-range graphics card till few months ago when i got the Geforce GTX 275. Running 2x2GB 1033MHz RAM. PSU is 700W MRON

Now i find the processor to be bottleneck while playing games like NFS Shift2 at high settings on the 24" Benq monitor :(

Had been through some websites and price lists. I am looking for a processor under 4k. Can stretch a bit if its a worthy upgrade and will serve for another 2yrs minimum.

Please suggest a decent processor which will have considerable performance improvement over my existing CPU and compatible with my current Mobo.

Let me know if any of these are interesting or if there are better ones under 4k

1. Athlon 7850 - Rs3.2k
2. Phenom X2 445 - Rs3.4k
3. Phenom X3 440 - Rs3.3k
4. Phenom X4 635 - Rs4k
Is there any specific heating issue i need to take care about ?? Using a Coolermaster Elite 430 tower
