Graphic Cards AMD HD6870 X2 - A delayed monster?

Doesnt make sense at all really. Over all numbers look impressive but one look at the min fps and it looks .... well crappy. Cant think of a reason I would trade this for a 6970/580.
^^ An expensive proposition and in the current benchmarks, read the links that comp@ddict has provided, the scaling of the two GPU cores on the same PCB is much more effective than those on a CrossFire (scale-able link setup) and the performance is almost snapping on the heels of a GTX 580, at a lower power consumption.

Also the reference HD 6950 2GB chips are getting scarcer in the market, thereby a new card might not sure shot have the binned cores, that will be unlocked upon BIOS flash, thereby you'll be locked at the performance level of an AMD HD 6950 2GB, which is good but nothing compared to this beast mentioned in the above post / reviews.
he scaling of the two GPU cores on the same PCB is much more effective than those on a CrossFire (scale-able link setup) and the performance is almost snapping on the heels of a GTX 580, at a lower power consumption.

sometimes a GTX580 Sli, i was amazed at those moments!
^^ Brings a tear to my eyes, RED TIDE Rising the glorious Soviet Republic (ATi / AMD) will vanquish the long oppressed gamers of the tyranny of the NATO coalition (nVidia). :bleh:
Why would a person not purchase 2x2GB 6950 stock (even without modding) for $550+-50 instead of getting this for $500+. I guess, even a single highly OC 580 will probably come close to this in terms of performance. And a 6990 costs just like $600-700ish I guess, definitely not worth spending $500 on this. Either 6950 CF or 6970 OC are the way to go :)