CPU/Mobo AMD or Intel


Hi my friends looking to buy a new system but this is something we both want to know. This is mainly some nooby questions regarding AMD but please answer them and illuminate our feeble minds.:ashamed:

  1. AMD, does it uses same instruction set as Intel like x866 for 32-bit and x64 for 46-bit or does it have its own proprietary instruction set?
  2. Besides SQT apps and Debugging apps, do all other Programming and Developments apps run in similar manner on an AMD based system?
  3. Given the 2 processors, which one is better and why? Intel E7400 or AMD Phenom II X2 545 ?

These r the few prominent ones, will bug u guys more if some more doubts arise. :ashamed:
AMD offers a better platform for the price while Intel offers beter performance at a lower price point due to stable/mature/low cost boards.
IGP has always been an AMD strength, whereas Intel CPUs scale a lot better when overclocking.

It really comes down to preference/price point. Post your budget and primary use and people can give some more specific suggestion.
Both Intel & Amd support 32 Bit as well as 64 Bit, Both E7400 & AMD Phenom2 545 are good, Though intel E7400 is faster when compared to AMD 545 clock to clock.
Kira said:
Go through this - x86-64 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It should give you an idea more or less for your first 2 questions.
For your 3rd question, I'd ask you to consider Phenom II x2 550BE instead. And yeah, it's better/faster/cheaper than C2D E7400/7500.

No mate,
A E7500 is faster then a X2 550 BE in most task with gaming bieng the only exception where X2 550 BE wins due to Extra Cache.
tosh79 said:
No mate,
A E7500 is faster then a X2 550 BE in most task
It'd be cool if you could give me some links to this kind of comparison so that I can erase all doubts regarding this issue.

speedyfreak said:
for computing tasks little office works E7500 does the job.
Maybe, but as long as little office works are into consideration it shouldn't matter whether it's C2D or Phenom II x2, since the purpose is little, right?

Plus I only named E7500 as a bonus to prove the fact that 55BE is that good. In terms of price value, 550BE still is cheaper than E7400/E7500 and the performance difference can't be that significant. Chances are that the user might not even be able to differentiate that difference in real-time, when it actually comes down to it.
But then again, once tosh79 can help me in giving some links, I can clear my doubts on this as well.
neojjjk said:

Dudes, I don't know if I'm looking & comprehending that chart correctly (although I'd like to think I am), does that comparison chart really tell you to go with an E7400 (OP's requirement is E7400 as evident from his first post) ?

Like I said earlier, that kind of performance difference is not even visible or differentiable by us in real-time.

Benchmarks/numbers are not to be followed like some bible. They're there just for reference to get an idea about processors.

Plus E7400 = LGA775 = EOL

550BE = AM3 & backward compatible with AM2+ = Cheaper than E7400 = More synced with the current times.

But then again, that's just me. It's the OP's call in the end.
Well, dont sweat it guys. I'm not the one buying it, its gonna be my friend & I've suggest the config which give him most bang 4 buck. After going through the wikipedia pages regarding x86-64 & Phenom ll, my vote swings to AMD platform 4 my m8 & who knows, he might lucky & get the sku wid locked cores ;) neways will post back once he decides n buys it.
Domi, check my earlier post, I gave the link to the thread where I've asked for configs and suggestions on them. The main constraint here is the budget which is limited to 25K at max and going for Quad cores will not only overshoot the budget, it will also be an overkill for the intended usage, Programming and occasional low-end gaming (Counter Strike)and 2AM-8AM downloading.
Ryunosuke said:
Programming and occasional low-end gaming (Counter Strike)and 2AM-8AM downloading.
If that's all your machine has to do, then look no further beyond 550BE.

sickizblank said:
Intel any frikkin day! Oh unless your on a budget. :)
That actually doesn't make any sense. But then I'm not here to judge. Just to help.

actually the x4 620 is cheaper than E7500. Its now for 5.2k local buy or even lower. Couple it with a budget 785g mobo, and you can have a good vfm rig. the IGP HD 4200 should serve you well.