CPU/Mobo AMD Price cuts?


I was surfing through Newegg today and saw some interesting developents in the Athlon 64 single core prices. There were a spate of price cuts as was reported but its already happened instead of happening after the launch of Conroe. For example the 3000+ was at $93, the 3200+ was at $99, thye 3500+ was for @112 and the 3800+ for $147 with the AM2 versions priced just $2 more each. None of the 1 MB L2 variants had changed much though and the dual core prices were also the same. So does anybody know if theres been any change in pricing in India yet?
No price change as of last Saturday as per my dealer.

Nway, it would take a few days to reflect in India.. Moreover the dealers hanging on with previous shipments would hesitate to revoke prices immediately i guess..
just checked delta page, prices have reduced quite heavily. Amd 3000 + costs 4750 and 3200+ costs 5750 , 3500+ Rs 6750, but there seem to be no price drop in x2. May be that they will update that later ...
Sorry for the above post, but prices seem to have changed in India too as per delta computers as mentioned by cyrux..:ashamed:
The X2 price drops are scheduled for July 23rd in sync with you-know-what from Intel. Entry level X2 3800+ is gonna drop to $169 on both the 939 and AM2. Looks damn good especially with a lot of these AM2 chips hitting 3GHz easily.

check www.deltapage.com

prices of single core has fallen 3500+available for 6750..i guess 1month bak it was ard 8.9k
edit::sorry cyrux has posted this.......nyways i guess another 500-1000buks drop by next month........ofcourse conroe the culprit....