Graphic Cards Amd X2 4200+ & X1800/7800 512???

Hey guys im gonna be upgrading really soon now...Iv finally decided to go for an X2 4200+.Now all i need to know about is the GFX card.There's been a lot of heated arguments on the forums lately on which one is better,the 256 mb X1800 XT or the 512 mb 7800 GTX.This has gotten me into quite a fix,since personally,i prefer ATi cards,but since the 7800 GTX 512 seems to have outperformed the X1800 XT by what seems to be quite a huge margin,im having doubts...Is the 7800 really that much better than the X1800? I would always prefer the X1800,but if the difference in performance is WAY too much,ill go for the 7800.BTW ill only be playing on a resolution of 1024*768,so plz dont get performance in higher resolutions into the picture.And quite contrary to what most forum users seem to be thinking,100$ does make a lot of difference.Although i could afford a 7800 GTX 512,i wouldn't unless its REALLY much better than the X1800 XT...
^^Performancewise its currently the best. However can you afford to spend 749$ on a video card? You can get a couple of 7800GTs at that price and still have a few bucks remaining in your pocket.
Thats tough,but possible,i think...But is there really a need to buy two 7800 GTs right now...I mean,correct me if im wrong,but what current gen game uses that much power?? Wouldn't it be a bit overkill?
Decide between the 7800gtx 512 and x1800xt depending on the price difference and based on what resolutions you plan to play the games. The margin is only huge with no AA and AF. Once the aa and af kicks in the 7800gtx doesnt scale too well.
I suggest you wait a few weeks more, as the reduction in AMD X2 prices has
yet to reflect in this country.


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actually the price of the proccy doesnt matter anymore,and i wanna upgrade asap :) all im interested in now is the price of the GPU.BTW,iv decided to go for the A8N-SLI Deluxe mobo.Is that good enough? I know this is the wrong forum for mobos,so sry :bleh:
deathdemon89 said:
Hey guys im gonna be upgrading really soon now...Iv finally decided to go for an X2 4200+.Now all i need to know about is the GFX card.There's been a lot of heated arguments on the forums lately on which one is better,the 256 mb X1800 XT or the 512 mb 7800 GTX.This has gotten me into quite a fix,since personally,i prefer ATi cards,but since the 7800 GTX 512 seems to have outperformed the X1800 XT by what seems to be quite a huge margin,im having doubts...Is the 7800 really that much better than the X1800? I would always prefer the X1800,but if the difference in performance is WAY too much,ill go for the 7800.BTW ill only be playing on a resolution of 1024*768,so plz dont get performance in higher resolutions into the picture.And quite contrary to what most forum users seem to be thinking,100$ does make a lot of difference.Although i could afford a 7800 GTX 512,i wouldn't unless its REALLY much better than the X1800 XT...

Buy two XFX GeForce 7800 GTX 256 MB DDR3 VIVO PCI-E Graphics Card (PV-T70F-UD) for Rs. 70000 and use them in SLI mode they outperform one XFX GeForce 7800 GTX 512 MB.
Go for A8N-SLI Premium, for it doesn't have the annoying chipset fan problem.
DFI SLI-DR may be good for you, if you want to overclock and have very good
grasp of OCing.
deathdemon89 said:
actually the price of the proccy doesnt matter anymore,and i wanna upgrade asap :) all im interested in now is the price of the GPU.BTW,iv decided to go for the A8N-SLI Deluxe mobo.Is that good enough? I know this is the wrong forum for mobos,so sry :bleh:

Buy the MSI K8N Diamond Motherboard (Socket 939) for Rs. 13000 because it has a bluetooth & wifi combo PCI card in it's package.
Stay away from that board.....people have had fans conking off.....Go with the SLI premium (Asus A8N).....its worth the extra bucks, or a K8N diamond......

And another thing, ATI's have been better always with AA and AF enabled as their algorithyms for these seem more efficient...memory clearing is very important for AA and AF more than pure MHz speed....(tech talk read Z buffer)....

So if u want 1024*768 go with the X1800XT....simply because @ that res you'll be able to use AA and AF liberally at least for the next 6-8 months....

deathdemon89 said:
actually the price of the proccy doesnt matter anymore,and i wanna upgrade asap :) all im interested in now is the price of the GPU.BTW,iv decided to go for the A8N-SLI Deluxe mobo.Is that good enough? I know this is the wrong forum for mobos,so sry :bleh:
deathdemon89 said:
Im gonna be playing at a res of 1024*768,with AA and AF enabled...
A x1800xt will be an overkill for that resolution. If you still want to go with the latest gen cards mostly due to the featureset get a x1800xl or 7800gt. Get a 19" monitor in case you are going for these cards since they are fully capable of gaming at 1600*1200 res with all eye candy.
udit-130286 said:
Buy the MSI K8N Diamond Motherboard (Socket 939) for Rs. 13000 because it has a bluetooth & wifi combo PCI card in it's package.
is it available in india?
udit-130286 said:
Buy two XFX GeForce 7800 GTX 256 MB DDR3 VIVO PCI-E Graphics Card (PV-T70F-UD) for Rs. 70000 and use them in SLI mode they outperform one XFX GeForce 7800 GTX 512 MB
Again I repeat-is this really needed at a res of 1024*768?
udit-130286 said:
Buy the MSI K8N Diamond Motherboard (Socket 939) for Rs. 13000 because it has a bluetooth & wifi combo PCI card in it's package.

dont ever make that mistake.

That board cannot hold two 7800 series of cards. There is compatability issue because of the capacitors between the PCI and 2nd PCI-Express slot. The card simply does not fit and hence you can use 7800 series cards in SLI on that board.

So Skip it.

If you cant wait then there are 3 good options at this moment.

1. You dont plan to overclock much, want simplicity and performanec - Get A8N SLI Premium

2. Want to overclock to the max Limits = DFi LP UT NF4 SLI DR

3. Want to overclock good but on tighter budget = DFI NF4 Infinity SLI

If you can wait for a month then mostly A8N32 SLI will be here. And i would prefer that over A8N SLi Premium.
MSI K8N Diamond/SLI boards have a few very annoying issues. One of them is
the on-board SB-Live chipset. You much have a PSU with a -5V rail or the sound
chip won't function at all. Some say MSI has resolved this in newer boards, but
their webpage hasn't changed at all.
Blade_Runner said:
A x1800xt will be an overkill for that resolution. If you still want to go with the latest gen cards mostly due to the featureset get a x1800xl or 7800gt. Get a 19" monitor in case you are going for these cards since they are fully capable of gaming at 1600*1200 res with all eye candy.
So there is no difference in performance at ALL between the X1800 XT and the X1800 XL at 1024*768 with AA and AF? And there wont be any in the long run,when better games come out?
deathdemon89 said:
is it available in india?

Again I repeat-is this really needed at a res of 1024*768?

Buy one XFX GeForce 7800 GT 256 MB DDR3 VIVO PCI-E Graphics Card (PV-T70G-UDF) for Rs. 25000.

If or when needed add another 7800GT and run in SLI mode.

It is enough for 1024x768 & 1280x1024.
deathdemon89 said:
So there is no difference in performance at ALL between the X1800 XT and the X1800 XL at 1024*768 with AA and AF? And there wont be any in the long run,when better games come out?
At 1024 res the performance gains wont be noticeable between the x1800xt and x1800xl. But in case you planning for a bigger monitor/lcd which supports 1280 and 1600 resolutions get the x1800xt. Otherwise the x1800xl will suffice.
Blade_Runner said:
At 1024 res the performance gains wont be noticeable between the x1800xt and x1800xl. But in case you planning for a bigger monitor/lcd which supports 1280 and 1600 resolutions get the x1800xt. Otherwise the x1800xl will suffice.

How much does the X1800XL & XT costs in Rupees.

Can X1800 & X1600 be used in SLI Mode.