CPU/Mobo AMD X2 or Opty

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Jatin kompelli

Hi guys,
:ohyeah: I am planning to buy a new rig this may or june, i have not yet decided which proccy to buy & am a little confused bet X2 & opty.

I have seen many benchmark & scores of x2 in games but i have never seen such benchmark of opty.

I want to know few things:
1.which is best for games opty 170 or X2 4400+ (without overcloking)
2.which can be oc more.:huh:

plz let me know about this things
:) Thanks in advance:)
Without doubts, the OPTY will oc more..but be ready to shell out handsomely for the Opty 170...i think the 165 will be a better buy from a pure price/performance ratio..even though the opty 165 prices seem a bit overblown rit now, it is a better choice as the 170 doesnt oc any better..:)
If you are buying in June, you may as well wait for some more time and buy an AM2 PC in July or something.

But without oc'ing, the 4400 is better.
The Opty 170 has a higher multiplier and though it may be easier to OC..but,when you take the OPTY 165 and 170 at the same speed say 2.6-2.7 ghz, the 165 will still win because on 1:1 CPU/Ram ratio, the 165 will need a higher base clock thus higher memory speeds giving a higher performance...

You'll be paying too much for the 10x multiplier on the Opty 170..otherwise its no good an ocer than a 165..;) Think about it..but afterall its your money..so you decide..:)
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