Linux Americas army 2.5 Ubuntu 8.10 Error

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I have a .run file for the installation.when i do
sudo sh <filename>.run
, i get the error

Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: 40704c778e50ac6e0b73a0572acc4fa4 is different from dc7ebb581249712f797c6d283a8e98a5

any idea how i can install it??please dire need of fps...:P
yes, try:

sudo chmod +x


sudo ./
(no sh in there)

if it still gives the verify error then looks like you need to redownload...
Anticlocked said:
I have a .run file for the installation.when i do , i get the error

any idea how i can install it??please dire need of fps...:P

you need to download it again,
md5sum is used to check if the file downloaded is same as the file on the server. even a small change/error in file will change the md5sum
Do you think you will find anyone online to play with? I think this is a very old version and the only version of AA available for Linux. But even on windows there is a dearth of servers with good pings, what will you do in Linux.
Try Urban terror and True Combat elite.
yup the md5 checksum error occures on my ubuntu too...whenevr i dload .run file from widin windows...


u can generate deb packages for ubuntu usin that .run file by doing following..

$ sudo ./ --listpkg //this will list supported packages//

for 8.10 it will be Ubuntu/intrepid (case sensitive)

now do

$ sudo ./ --buildpkg Ubuntu/intrepid

.deb files will be generated in the same folder... install them manually.

note: if intrepid is not supported then generate packages for whichever older distro that is supported...shall work widout probs.

the same command follows for buildig packages for all other distros..
oh, if downloaded in windows in non-binary mode, then it may be a line-ending issue.

try running "dos2unix" on linux before attempting installation (might need to install a package with that tool, dont remember the name) ubuntu usually suggests the missing package name.
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