Amway in USA...Anyone has any ideas ??

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Are most Indians in US wanting to con other Indians :@
Last week i was in the walmart and we had this conversation with this Indian family that we met (for first time). That guy too was some IT person. We exchanged numbers just for the sake.
Just now i got a call from that guy and he first talked about what is going on and what i do an weekends stuff. This is to start a conversation. Then he came on main point. He says that apart from his work he does some business and for that he is organizing a "seminar" in Dallas and invited me to come. Now i knew what was going to follow. I told him to explain me what it is. He told that their business is to help big firms like AT&T etc to build their reach through facebook. Now this seems to be a standard one-liner explanation from all people.
I flatly refused and as expected he asked me why and told me to just once see what it is all i just declined saying personal reason.

Any one know what he was talking about ??

Everyone wants to con others. Fcukers :@
Also they all find us more vulnerable as we have just come and may thing we will be easy target to build their binary tree :-[

I think i should believe local more than Indians here :|
raksrules said:
Are most Indians in US wanting to con other Indians :@

Last week i was in the walmart and we had this conversation with this Indian family that we met (for first time). That guy too was some IT person. We exchanged numbers just for the sake.

Just now i got a call from that guy and he first talked about what is going on and what i do an weekends stuff. This is to start a conversation. Then he came on main point. He says that apart from his work he does some business and for that he is organizing a "seminar" in Dallas and invited me to come. Now i knew what was going to follow. I told him to explain me what it is. He told that their business is to help big firms like AT&T etc to build their reach through facebook. Now this seems to be a standard one-liner explanation from all people.

I flatly refused and as expected he asked me why and told me to just once see what it is all i just declined saying personal reason.

Any one know what he was talking about ??

Everyone wants to con others. Fcukers :@

Also they all find us more vulnerable as we have just come and may thing we will be easy target to build their binary tree :-[

I think i should believe local more than Indians here :|

I met some random dude about a week after moving here. He tried a 'Are you xxx from Delhi?' line, and of course I was not. He then claimed he was from the same city I was, and same college even. I didn't mind chatting with him during the bus ride, and he seemed nice enough. He took my phone number and offered any help I needed, considering I was new here.

A week later, the phone calls start, talking about 'An exciting business opportunity'. The third time he called, I was a bit curt and asked him not to call me again, and he starts saying 'I thought you were an intelligent person, I didn't expect you to act stupidly and pass up a good investment.' I lol'ed and blocked his number.

You'll also start noticing that you are treated with slight suspicion in most stores in the US, don't take it personally or as racism. A lot of shady tricks are usually pulled by Indians here. I've seen people who have bought shoes, used them on a trek (without removing the label) and returning them as defective. People "buying" a GPS, using it for a road trip, and then returning it. (And doing it again for the next road trip). This is anecdotal and I cannot claim that Indians do it more than others, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
whatsinaname said:
You'll also start noticing that you are treated with slight suspicion in most stores in the US, don't take it personally or as racism. A lot of shady tricks are usually pulled by Indians here. I've seen people who have bought shoes, used them on a trek (without removing the label) and returning them as defective. People "buying" a GPS, using it for a road trip, and then returning it. (And doing it again for the next road trip). This is anecdotal and I cannot claim that Indians do it more than others, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

Crap, now this is sad! :(
^^Yes i am now getting a hang of the tricks and i am now scared to be friendly with anyone new here. Everyone tries to be friend just to lure me into the opportunity.
Just image...If u join Amway then there would a couple of similar threads created by your friends in various forums to deal with the harrsahment that you would be doing to them everyday:)

I know one thing almost for sure; if u join amway the moment u open your mouth to talk about it - ur friends will start avoiding u:)
^^I know. I will start losing friends and relatives if i ever get into this and this can make a evil person who can only see others as potential members rather than friends etc.

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Btw now i take my sansa clip+ and in ear phones for the office commute, it does help a lot. That guy tried to turn up the volume probably to make me hear that sick amway commentary but i guess he hasn't heard by IN-EAR phones :)
Actually initial investment to become Amway member is not huge. In India its something like 4k.

Companies like Amway, Tupperware, L'Oreal are not ponzi schemes like speakasia. They have existed for long time and are perfect examples of home marketing enterprises.
All these rely on multi level marketing but not like what other ponzi schemes does.
Their main aim is sale of their products through non - retail channels. They want to maintain their exclusivity. Thats their business model and it involves higher than usual margins for the sales person. You see tupperware everywhere now. Its not cheap, but its popular because they have quality products and different products.

But you do not have to sell anything to anyone. You are free to use membership of all these companies to buy products for your own consumption. Sure the person who got you registered might push you to do more, but its your choice. Do not fall for their persistence and buy stuff you do not need. You get products at discounted prices if you are a member.

All these companies have some good products. To what extent you want to go is your choice.

Amway is worst of them as it requires annual membership renewal, the other two does not. But that does not make even Amway a ponzi scheme. We use some of their products at home and business places. We never sell anything to anyone though. We mainly use their cleaning products which are actually good and are priced reasonably and work out better in long run, but yes, Amway does not suit the people who have low self consumption or not ready to sell it to others as you need to at least buy as much to recover your Annual membership fee. If you are sure you will be able to consume enough to save that 4k you invested on discounts you get as a member, its not a bad at all. They do have reasonably priced items which are good in quality. None of us in family are Amway members as we know we wont be able to recover than 4k through discounts on MRP. But we do buy cleaning supplies from one lady who is Amway member at less than MRP as the members can easily sacrifice some of their margins. There will always be few products that are priced ridiculously.

Its upto you in the end. It would be extremely difficult to do this in US though if you just migrated there as I would assume their membership fees there would be much more than what it is in India. And as you are alone there and considering the social environment there in states, it would be extremely difficult to actually benefit from this membership unless you buy junk you dont need.
^^Right you are saying. I would never be able to save the amount i may spend in this stupid membership.

Moreover let me give you an example. The wife of this colleague suggested a moisturizing cream for ridiculous 25$ to my wife. Now the average price of such creams what i have seen in walmart from reputed brands is like maximum 3-4$ and not more. Now there is no way to justify the absurd pricing of this amway cream. However better quality it is.

To add, that person did give some sample to my wife and she tried but had a burning sensation which clearly means it is not for her and when my wife told that person about it, she suggested that their amway people have this machine to detect skin type and suggest a cream. So this way or that way they want us to get in and consume the products.
How about saying it plain, I am not interested in investing any money in amway so stop asking me?.

Too direct. consequences may be more i guess.
One rule: You make friends with Amway, you loose all your friends.

I have been a victim of this thing while in US. Indians are not the only ones that are involved in this. Its because its easy for an Indian to catch an Indian (for obvious reasons) that you will see only Indians approaching you with these schemes. So you might be led to think that all Indians are scamsters. This has spread like an epidemic in US (among Indians).

The profit you get is from the sale of items to people below your branch, sub branch and so on. So more the number of people below your branch the more profit you get. In these seminars they show you videos of people who are living a wealthy life, going on holidays and cruises in exotic places, etc, etc, doing nothing. The presenters are among one of them. In real life they do lead that life. But it happens to them and a few because they are at the very top of the pyramid. They get all the profits from the big chunk of people below them. They don't have to sell anything at that point and only carry out these seminars. And they present in such a way as if everyone will lead that life by joining Amway.

I had a friend who used to go to these seminars. He used to get a free ride by some predator. These seminars provide free food. He would eat to his heart's content. When someone would come to bother he would say outright "not interested".
whatsinaname said:
You'll also start noticing that you are treated with slight suspicion in most stores in the US, don't take it personally or as racism. A lot of shady tricks are usually pulled by Indians here. I've seen people who have bought shoes, used them on a trek (without removing the label) and returning them as defective. People "buying" a GPS, using it for a road trip, and then returning it. (And doing it again for the next road trip). This is anecdotal and I cannot claim that Indians do it more than others, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

A lot of people do this, and sadly it is advised in India a lot. I remember in my previous company people as usual used to go on US assignments. First timers were always advised by the experienced people about these malpractices. Buy a camera..use it, DL the images, return it. Use a handicam in the same way. If going to a cold place, buy a warm down jacket (expensive) return it before flying back. Lying at stores that you saw a $10 item on the $5 sales thread and availing honorary customer discount. All crap.

I remember being in DC and was browsing a mall. A group of 5-6 Indians were trying on belts. One guy clearly said in Hindi, buy it and use it here. Before leaving we can return it. :(
raksrules said:
^^Yes i am now getting a hang of the tricks and i am now scared to be friendly with anyone new here. Everyone tries to be friend just to lure me into the opportunity.

Keep your privacy restricted, that is all I can say. You will have a hermits life for a while, but things will be better as time progresses. Better at peace and safe than sorry and harassed.
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