An open/free mmorpg Planeshift

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Hi all,

While browsing came to this game called PlaneShift. Everything is cool until one comes to the system requirements. Guess it would 've to wait for another 6 months- 1 yr. till tht. :( I'm hoping for some of the senior guys (read tht guys with Geforce 4 or similar cards setup) to play the game & give their vote on what they think of the game.
I played this nearly 2 years back and the performance was horrible.
Your saying it still runs like crap makes me not to hope for this ever becoming a decent mmo.
sumail, no I didn't mean it like tht. What I meant was I don't have a decent graphics card which can play the game. I'm on an aging 845 chipset for company but your config seems to be lot better than mine. Perhaps u can give it a try again. The screenshots look absolutely amazing
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