

Insanely Awesome!!
andLinux is a complete Linux system designed for developing applications and runs seemlessly in Windows 2000 based systems (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, etc...). The latest version is PreBeta (named PreBeta only due to its lack of installer). This project was started for Dynamism for the GP2X community, but its userbase far exceeds its original design. The GP2X community will always be the heart of andLinux, even though it is branching into a much larger scene. andLinux is free and will remain so, but donations are greatly needed.

* andLinux uses CoLinux as its core which is confusing for many people. CoLinux is a port of the Linux kernel to Windows. Although this technology is like VmWare or Virtual PC, CoLinux differs iteself by being more of merger of Windows and the Linux kernel (Linux) and not an emulated PC, making it more efficient.
* andLinux is not just for development and runs almost all Linux applications without modification.

AndLinux -
Been using it for quite some time now. Quite good. Some common packages were missing tho - couldnt find gcc and some others (surprisingly). And some small bugs with the explorer too.
