Android on the Iphone!!!!!!!!!!yes it's here....

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iPhone Dev Team member Planetbeing has finally achieved what many geeks have been dreaming for over a year - successfully running Google's Android operating system on an iPhone. After a break of almost a year, Planetbeing sent a Twitter update announcing his success on making Android run on iPhone. However, this port is not of 'production quality' but still, almost everything works on it.

While the tension between Apple and Google keeps growing to higher levels each time, developments like these may frustrate Apple further. Google's Android mobile operating system is looked down as direct competitor to iPhone OS. We were aware that a small group of enthusiastic geeks was working to bring Linux on iPhone. However, Planetbeing has managed to achieve what everyone just wished for - Android on iPhone.

The Android port works on the first and second generation iPhone models while the iPhone 3GS support will need more time. The Android port was possible with OpeniBoot, a Linux 2.6 bootloader, which currently works with iPhone 2G and iPhone 3G only. Also, this custom bootloader makes the iPhone dualboot with iPhone OS and Android OS so that you don't miss out on anything.

At this moment, Wi-Fi, search and mobile web browsing work fine over the Android port on iPhone but there are several areas where this port will tweak up for proper functioning. Now since Android is ported on iPhone, we may have a chance to run Flash since Android already supports Flash. So, all those Flash websites and stuff you have been missing out till date might run on this port but still it's unconfirmed.

link India > News > Software > Finally, Android made to run on iPhone
Its a cool feat technically but I don't think people would really want it..

Anyone who buys iPhone buys it for the iPhone OS, not the hardware. :P
ya right!!

but i m sure those android lovers out there,wud appreciate this little thing a lot,they don't need to change their sets just to get a taste of android!!!!!!
I have tested a Tattoo for a few short moments and I must say I was impressed. Having an iPhone Dual Boot, will give me the sleekness of the iPhone and flexibility of Android. Cant wait for it to come on the 3GS.
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