Anger Over DRM-free iTunes Tracks

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Insanely Awesome!!
The launch of the DRM-free music store from Apple has been overshadowed by news that tracks purchased from the store contain information of who bought the songs embedded into the files. Some fear that should these tracks make their way onto file sharing sites that the original owners could easily be identified.

The tracks from record company EMI cost more and are of a better quality than standard iTunes songs. Apple has yet to comment on what it plans to do with the information embedded in the music files. Many news sites are already speculating that it will be a matter of time before software becomes available that will strip personal data from the downloaded files.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Anger over DRM-free iTunes tracks
Just as i suspected, but they used a more simpler way than DCT Compression resistant Steganography

...seemed too good to be true, when they announced the deal, well now we know why.

Here's how they found it.
I don't get it. Where is the problem? If you don't share your file, then your personal data is not going anywhere.
Yeah actually we aren't supposed to share it anyway and it doesn't infect your pc like drm does ... so not much wrong that apple's doing
The wrong is that *they* did not tell you !!

..might that little fact affect whether you just get the CD in the first place instead of pulling it from their shop.

I see nothing wrong in that. Piracy exists, and apple will obviously try to fight it. This seems like a really nice solution to me. Of course, someone will find a way to break this as well.
Well yeah, you could do is replace those strings with garbage. So one person could buy stuf and share with friends in some sort of club.

But thats not so clear as yet, there may be checksums associated with this which could detect if the file has been tampered with. Now that the cat's out of the bag. i expect we will hear more.
I would like to know what excuse the people are giving to argue against this :P Any other links where this is being discussed?
Good, most people agree that its a good move :D Hope other companies follow suit, and we get the same thing for ebooks as well.
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