Car & Bike ANHC or Chevy Optra or Verna?

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So I guess its either the Cedia or the Optra Magnum....

Too bad,the new City's interiors don't match the feel/quality of the old one's !? And considering the expensive spares... :(

BTW,I suggest you drive & experience all three and then decide...
I thought Cedia sports was stopped, still the site says 10.55L :S

Cedia without the towel rack looks very bad :P
Crazy_Eddy said:

Oh crap! Forgot about the price increases :(. Too bad cos I got mine for roughly 10lac.

The most fun is when people ask me the FE these days I tell that the lowest I got is 4 kmpl :rofl:. Obviously I don't mention the fact that it was the FE on a trackday :rofl:.

Anyway with 10lacs then the best driver's cars out there are the Fiesta S and Palio 1.6. Test drive both and decide which is the one you want. The palio suspension is a bit soft but the engine is a bomb. The new fiesta S is supposed to have very neutral handling and the suspension has also been stiffened up.
Linux style... YANHC (Yet Another New Honda City)

or Mallu style--YYYY (Yet Yenother Yonda Yity) :P

But maintenance issues apart, (and if you can stretch the budget a bit), the Civic makes a very compelling buy

Not only do you get the stuff enthusiasts crave for (great handling + good performance)

You also get the stuff the objective folks look for (good FE + good resale)
Gunman said:
I dont think you can fit an Optra Magnum for 10L.

NHC FTW!! Book it asap. :P

Well i think(at least accordng to LS and Max variants fits my budget...btw im looking at petrol vehicles.......

Chaos said:
In 10lacs and performance eh... get a Cedia. Verna and Optra are good only in a straight line. You'd understeer into the first tree on the curve.

thx Chaos for reminding me abt Mitsubushi. Totally forgot abt cedia:P . will sure testdrive and decide.

sangram said:
IMO, NHC interiors and fit and finish - sucky. Visible weld joints, a few bare spots in the metal on both outside and inside, and the interiors - too plasticky. No visibility through the rear windscreen or through the B-pillar, and though the driver's seat is height adjustable, you run out of headroom due to the steep rake of the front windshield, by the time the height is usable. And I'm not even tall. No alloys means you're stuck with steel wheels in a car worth 11.5 Lakh (OTR Mum). Not nice, and you can't fit aftermarket parts (not even alloys) without voiding the warranty.

They got the engine right, but it looks like something that was a little rushed through the door in every other department. It's still a great deal, just not the Civic killer I was hoping it would be.

ouch! u totally killed my excitement sangram:@ . I thot the city interiors are great especially the on-wheel controls. anyways thx for ur thots.....going to the showroom 2moro for a testdrive.

Chaos said:
Oh crap! Forgot about the price increases :(. Too bad cos I got mine for roughly 10lac.

The most fun is when people ask me the FE these days I tell that the lowest I got is 4 kmpl :rofl:. Obviously I don't mention the fact that it was the FE on a trackday :rofl:.

Anyway with 10lacs then the best driver's cars out there are the Fiesta S and Palio 1.6. Test drive both and decide which is the one you want. The palio suspension is a bit soft but the engine is a bomb. The new fiesta S is supposed to have very neutral handling and the suspension has also been stiffened up.

will sure testdrive the fiesta .........ever cared to chk the FE on days other than trackdays????:)

thetoxicmind said:
So I guess its either the Cedia or the Optra Magnum....

Too bad,the new City's interiors don't match the feel/quality of the old one's !? And considering the expensive spares... :(

BTW,I suggest you drive & experience all three and then decide...

After dilly-dallying a lot between Honda City and Optra I have finally decided to strech my fathers arm by a mile and sucked him into buying a civic..:hap2:. TDn the car twice and was overwhelmed with the performance of the beast(or shud i call it a beauty). Things I liked abt the vehicle were,

1.Pick up: Having driven low end vehicles like santro, esteem, indigo, Scorpio etc i have felt the pick up of civic out of the world. Tried to move the vehicle in second gear with full blown AC and there was no problem whatsoever.

2.Interiors and Comfort: being a 6 footer a bit on the heavier side i thot the seats were pretty comfortable.I have felt like the car is too low on the ground, that may be because i have been driving scorpio a lot off-late. and the interiors were aesthetically designed.

3.Performance: I drove the civic @ 90kmph a didnt even find a slightest bit of wobble. Handling is good tho I need to get used to it.

So, considering all these......I have finally decided on Honda Civic E(MT).

But Im in a dilemma whether to get the alloy wheeling done at the dealer or outside. The dealer is quoting a bomb(58K for a set of 5) where as after a lil bit of research i've found that i can get it done at half of the amount outside.

If i get it done outside what are the brands that i shud opt. AFAIK Neo, Platini,Kyowa and X2 are available in Hyderabad. Any other good brands other than these? I can shell up to 25K max for a set of 5.

Second issue that bothering me is the leather seating. The dealers quote was 36K. he said that he'll be using Stanley leather. I've heard that there are 3-4 types of Stanley leather available and donno if hell be using the best quality leather available(expect nothing less that the best while spending 30K odd). How far can i trust the dealer in this issue? Or getting it done at Stanley Leather Boutique is better option?

Also need some feedback on the quality of the speakers in Honda Civic. Decent/Whack??? My sister is coming from US next month so is it a better option to get speakers and woofer from US? If yes please suggest some good brands(JBL/Kenwood/Pioneer/Polkaudio/Sony) and models which wud fit perfectly in place of the default speakers provided.


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