Aniol Crystal Vs. Fronix Auorua II Vs. Fronix Novo which one to go for yaaro !!!!

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On a Journey called Life :P
Me in market for buying a tab and was in search one in 8k and about three is tempting :angel:

i can extend till 9.5k for novo.

now the question is which one to go for.

fronix novo is best but when is it available is questionable :23:

and even fronix online contacts are not working [ all four no.s ].


Please help bro as u have reviewed there star product and so please can u conform me when is the fronix novo available ??????

any other please with any options are also welcomed.

i can spend more so pls 10k maaaax .......

thank you for reading the post.

have a nice day a head :D
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