Another Brick in the wall

Yo Congrats :D, when can we get a demo of the brick :p ?

I can confirm that whatever Rave and Rahul told are 100% true, he did go on a 3 ~ 4 days trip to US to get this :)
sally1708 said:
Fat chance it will get into my hands

Also, he has been boring me silly with all his bragging about OS X

You didn't like it anyways right :p and yeah, very fat chance that it'll go to your hand :p

p.s. XP rocks :hap2:
Buying two way ticket to US = 3000$

buying an Apple Macbook = 1500$

Finding out its faulty and waiting for a week to get a replacement in India : eerm priceless? :bleh:
yeah right beetch..

as if I paid for the ticket :p

I am OK with priceless bit as long as the Apple buggers can do a direct swap even if it means a longer wait

I'd hate to give this back to them before they have the replacement ready

btw, is that a Mac Book Pro or the regular Mac Book?

Also seems like Apple has reduced the screen thickness in the newer Lappy's. The older version Mac Book Pro's we use are somewhat more rugged in that aspect. The Lappy is still thin overall, but the screen does not feel so delicate either. Anyway, our company will probably be getting the 17" Mac Book Pro's for us this December and they do not seem to have been updated to the newer laptop exteriors yet.
Rave :chair:

The Apple Care guys called up today and gave me the following update:

Had it been an In-warranty repair under their international coverage, they would have been able to process it immediately

However, a new and DOA system under intl. coverage is a little complicated (Since they need to replace it with a new system altogether) making the process longer than usual and may take some time

Anyway, I guess I'll play around with this one while they arrange for the replacement machine
It will take them 2 weeks to ship me the replacement from Singapore

Anyway, I am more than impressed with Apple's warranty support

Thing is things in India tend to be different than what posting on the web (mostly US centric) would lead you to believe

If you look around the net, most people diss Dell's support while praising Apple (which is very true for US)

In India though, Dell' warranty shines though with the onsite support and professional attitude

When I noticed this glitch on my system, I was worried that Apple India support will turn out to be screwed up

I was more than pleasantly surprised to find out that's not the case.

In fact, their L1 support team is better than Dell's since the reps are (seemingly) not mandated to read out from scripts (like Dell) and are empowered to take decisions on the spot.

Anyway, seeing the quality of their support network, I got an extended 3 year warranty package on the machine :)

(Lack of onsite support - unlike Dell is a bummer though)