Storage Solutions Another case of dead wd 1tb hdd

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MAGNeT said:
Bad sectors ..i dont think theyll check each drive...Even if they does i havent seen anyone giving the same product back..Atleast ill get a new hdd even though if is of same size rather than old one
You have bad sectors on your portable drive ?

Bad sectors is not 'working perfectly'.

They will check the drive and if they find any then you will get your RMA.
blr_p said:
You have bad sectors on your portable drive ?

Bad sectors is not 'working perfectly'.

They will check the drive and if they find any then you will get your RMA.

It wont be hard to create or make the drive dead..

Also i repeat again they dont check each and every drive .

I havent seen a case where a person receiving same disc again on contrary people gave their hdd for high option but got same size...but again new hdd rather than old
blr_p said:
You have bad sectors on your portable drive ?

Bad sectors is not 'working perfectly'.

They will check the drive and if they find any then you will get your RMA.

I don't think they check all drives before sending a replacement. Cause another WD hard disk I sent for RMA before, the replacement was shipped one day after the defective drive was delivered to their office according to the courier tracking.

Also I haven't seen anyone who's RMA was rejected as the drive was working fine.
MAGNeT said:
It wont be hard to create or make the drive dead
I was afraid you might say that :no:

MAGNeT said:
Also i repeat again they dont check each and every drive .

I havent seen a case where a person receiving same disc again on contrary people gave their hdd for high option but got same size...but again new hdd rather than old
And i'm sure we would all want that to continue right ?

Instead of getting 'recertified' drives ;)
hi i am another victim of WD. i have WD BLUE 320GB hdd working fine last night but today at morning no detection.

I think WD is heading on the path of SEAGATE (7200.11 series).
blr_p said:
How to RMA something that is 'working perfectly' ?
Did got brand new 320giga as replacement for 120....Mission accomplished...

Note::Its tagged recertified...I guess the inside disc is re certified but external appearance is new
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