OC & Modding Another day, Another BIOS mod

Source and Credit:
RayeR's ROMOS project RayeR's homepage/ROMOS Project (english)

I am not posting it in the guide's section as I know no one in their right minds will attempt this. :rofl:

Or as said by RayeR:
RayeR said:
Be sure you exactly know what are you doing! Manipulating with described software tools may cause your BIOS damage and then your PC will not boot. If this happen you have to reflash your FlashROM in burner or use hotflash. So have backups ready!
ROMOS is provided as is, without any warranties. I tested it only on my machine so I cannot guarantee if it will works on others.
It's strongly recommended to read technical details section.​

That Llama looks like me. but I'll pretend to ignore it for the time being.

The ROMOS is a stand-alone x86 code allows you to load and run your own binary code or 3rd-party code. ROMOS rely on BIOS functions only so it can be executed directly without any operating system. The main purpose of ROMOS is to be placed in a ROM, from where it can load/run other software (e.g. bootmanager, HW diagnostics, special controlling software...) during POST (Power-On Self Test) while your PC is booting up. It can also load DOS-based operating systems (may be other OSes) such as FreeDOS stored in ROM together with ROMOS. This mean that any floppy/harddisk/CD-ROM drive is not needed. It may be very useful in various embedded diskless systems. Or simply as reserve OS for rescue use. Other applications are on you.

Image Credit:
screenies by RayeR - reanimated by Borg Number One


Here's a pathetic picture of my computer booting RayeR's ROMOS.

This mod dates back to 2002 !!!
Phoenix Systems has already come up with a full Linux OS embedded into the BIOS. that require a large flash BIOS.
Most current BIOSs are 512 kb / 1024 kb or more in size. So there is no reason why a small sized DOS kernel can't be embedded into the BIOS. Infact this should be the default.
Now with netbooks all the rage and people keen in building small sized miniITX legacy free computers, carputers with no moving parts, no floppy drive, cd rom etc., it becomes all the more necessary to embed a rescue disk into the BIOS itself.

(Becomes all the more easier to install Wind0ws on a EEEPC, but then you always have a flash drive :p)
No doubt this is just a superfluous mod, but hey atleast it is possible. :tongue:

btw, Amarbir is eagerly waiting for me to crap out my bios chip. :eek:hyeah:
If you crap yours while attempting this, send it to him. He'll repair it for free but you'll have to pay the shipping.:p