Another I miss the 90s show thread :)

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I know there have been a lot of threads like these. The reason I bring it up is Sab Tv is now dumping on another of our childhood memories. "I dream of Jeannie" is being re-made into a hindi TV serial - Jeannie aur Juju. As if, Karishma ka Karishma wasn't enough. Just wish they could replay those old dubbed episodes they have instead of re-making it again.

PS: Anyone have hindi dubbed episodes for Small Wonder/Bewitched/I dream of Jeannie etc. :ashamed:
I find original English version of IDOJ to be better. Hindi version was good only in case of anime like duck tales and tale spin.
Another I Dream of Jeannie fan here. I used to run back from school just to watch IDOF and 3 Stooges... Those were the days !!
Me too a Big fan of 90's Shows, be it shows on DD or Hindi dubbed shows on Sony, Star Tv.

I remember Sony telecasting IDOJ, 3 Stooges, Bewitched in Hindi, then why arent they re-telecasting now? Would be much better than the crappy Juju Jaa Jaa thing.
I'm currently re-visiting Diff'rent Strokes from the start. It's been almost a decade since I saw that show and still continues to be funny. It's a shame they don't release DVD's for all the seasons for some of these shows. Small Wonder's Season 3 & 4 are still pending a DVD release announcement.
90s usually meant Power Zone on Cartoon Network, Star tv's Magic Box, and ofc Happy Days.. still love it.
Remington Steele still remains most cherished one i think. (Talking strictly about english sitcoms here)

Diff strokes used to be fav besides Small Wonder among the dubbed sitcoms. Star tv's Lost Planet used to get good content as well, rounding up evenings with Batman series (Adam West/Burt Ward/Julie Newmar)

I know this might not have been on many people's 'used to watch' list..
but should try Fresh Prince of Bel Air.. simply outstanding comedy sitcom, and prolly the largest collection of pretty girls of African origin :)
I sooo miss ninja robots(tobikage) which was shown on cartoon network.
It was a 80's show in japan but since i saw it in the 90's,i am counting as such.
Small wonder was awesome,particularly as it felt a new concept then.
Its all great nostalgia and thanks for creating this thread.
SAB TV has taken the responsibility of screwing memories of I Dream Of Jennie by starting to air a ripoff Jini aur Juju ><
^^ I'd say why not petition those guys to stop doing this. Still are we seriously so bereft of good ideas? Now not only movies even serials need to be lifted.
hindi writers and directors have been lifting every good BBC or other channels english shows from atleast 20 years. they dont have anything original to write about. even the game shows are rip off from other countries like germany or japan. i even saw some vodafone copycat ads based on that geman telematch show.
hindi writers and directors have been lifting every good BBC or other channels english shows from atleast 20 years. they dont have anything original to write about. even the game shows are rip off from other countries like germany or japan. i even saw some vodafone copycat ads based on that geman telematch show.

Regarding the game shows being lifted.. arent they formats which are leased ? I did read something similar on TE itself i think.

But def the dearth of original ideas is pretty sad. Maybe the original movie/serial maker should start suing these gfn people.
Cant they dig and bring something from history itself..? Fun game based on good ol' Chaupad ?? :P

DD has always been clueless, else a rerun of their sitcoms will def garner more viewers and TRP than these silly 'repeat slap 3 times for effect' drama nonsense.
Zigma/Bharat ek khoj/Esop Ki kahaniya/Chanakya/Mulla Nasruddin/Mirza Galib/Mungerilaal ke HS/Mahabharat (epic intro music esp)/Ramayan/Wagle Ki Duniya/Circus/Malgudi Days/ My fingers ache now.

I miss this show which used to be telecasted on DD1 on Sundays. I have the episodes as well. Watching it now might turn out to be a laugh riot. :unsure:

Oh the childhood days. :')
Surabhi on DD was a wealth of knowledge. Pretty sad that none of the Indian channels air similar shows nowadays. And wonder what happened to quiz shows like the Bournvita Quiz Challenge by Derek O'Brien or Mastermind on BBC or Nat Geo Genius on NGC. Are there any such quiz shows currently being aired?
TV in it's current form is best avoided.

The 90s -
The time (I think 92/93) when a kid who brought a floppy to school was treated like a celebrity.
The time when I threw away my pencils and said they were lost so that my mother would buy me a pen-pencil (it was pretty popular in my school then & everyone had one :ashamed:).
The time when Anime was Anime and American Cartoons were Cartoons not a weird combination like Ben 10.
The time when shows on TV had some substance and comedies were funny.
The time when a quiz show was just a quiz show and not a melodramatic piece of $hit.
The time when even ads were worth watching and were shown in tolerable quantities.
The time when they told you news within 10 minutes and not stretch a headline for hours.
The time when School vacations meant playing downstairs with friends and not what kids in my building do (Video Games or going to certain clubs to play).
Yup, I miss the 90s.

A few cartoons not mentioned - TMNT (Lost Planet), Robotech (Star Plus/TV), GI Joe and Batman - The Animated Series.
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