Google Co-op
Google today launches its Custom Search Engine, which will let users narrow down their searches further and focus on the kind of content they'd like to see.
The engine gives users the chance to choose which pages they want in their index, what the search results page will look like, and how exactly the content should be prioritised. Users will also be able to allow others to contribute to their own index page, if they wish.
With the custom engine, people can decide whether or not they'd like to search the whole wibbly wobbly web or they can limit their search to a select few pages.
What is Google Co-op
Google today launches its Custom Search Engine, which will let users narrow down their searches further and focus on the kind of content they'd like to see.
The engine gives users the chance to choose which pages they want in their index, what the search results page will look like, and how exactly the content should be prioritised. Users will also be able to allow others to contribute to their own index page, if they wish.
With the custom engine, people can decide whether or not they'd like to search the whole wibbly wobbly web or they can limit their search to a select few pages.
What is Google Co-op