Linux Another open source app screwup - And then they say Linux is ready for desktop usage

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I was planning to burn and archive Firefly (the TV series) which had a total size of ~40 GB with each episode at around 3GB each
To keep the clutter low, I got a 10pack of DL DVDs, and started the process

- Brasero failed but at least returned a message saying it cannot burn file sizes greater than 2 GB

- This left me with K3b and NeroLinux, and for some Godforsaken reason, I decided to burn the first 3 discs with K3B, and it seemingly burned them just fine

- Thankfully, before going ahead and completing the entire series burn, I decided to pop one of the DVDs in my MB, guess what, the files do not show up at all :@

- Same story on my Windows system

- A lil bit of googling revealed that the default Linux UDF system is not compatible with other OSes..and those damned DL DVDs arent exactly cheap

- Next I tried the same burn with Nerolinux, and Nero burnt those discs just fine..My Leopard Macbook as well as Windows HTPC read those discs just fine

- Needless to say discs burnt even by the default app on Leopard or Windows are readable across all platforms

- If Nero was smart enough to figure this glitch out on its own, why wasn't K3B able to do so

- And as if to rub salts in my wounds, a quick google for K3B vs linux returns a supremely biased review that bashes Nerolinux right Left & center

Feel free to draw your own interpretations
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Hadn't you started a thread about not been able to burn >4gb on linux earlier? Complain about something else, naa?:tongue:
Thanks for the pointers Czar :P You know what I meant...

Just wait for few days . :P K3b 2.0 will sort some problem I guesss :)

BTW K3b is just a wrapper .. It doesnt have its own home made utils , it thrives on other open source project to get its job done.. So rather blame them instead doing k3b :P

Nero Linux is pretty decent and reliable.. Been using from month and never had problem !
Hadn't you started a thread about not been able to burn >4gb on linux earlier? Complain about something else, naa?

All the more reason for me to crib na re

last time around, I wasn't able to burn at all

This time around, (and after 2 hrs + of googling) I was able to burn

Burn what, you ask? a bloody coaster

BTW K3b is just a wrapper .. It doesnt have its own home made utils , it thrives on other open source project to get its job done.. So rather blame them instead doing k3b

No sir, it's a K3b issue...K3b never gave me a single warning that the FS it is going to burn will be unusable anywhere but Linux..and it's the job of the wrapper to ensure that appropriate messages are provided to the user

Well, K3b made a few coasters for you... For me it managed to destroy my DVD writer :D (unless the writer just happened to die at the same time by chance).

Luckily it was under warranty, got a replacement 22x in exchange for my dead 20x...
superczar said:
All the more reason for me to crib na re

last time around, I wasn't able to burn at all

And last time, you had to resort to nero as well. So you know now that k3b is borked. Don't use it the next time. :)
I'd been trying to burn some mp3 cd's on brasero on my brand new SATA drive.

gave up after three coasters. ( way too many errors - my car stereo was skipping between songs. It was like a self mixing CD :P )

still have to see how it does on windows, so the jury is still out
A lil bit of googling revealed that the default Linux UDF system is not compatible with other OSes..and those damned DL DVDs arent exactly cheap

Err, UDF is for rewritables isn't it and i gather you were not using such :)

On another note are there any apps on linux that can write using the Romeo fs.

Romeo allows filenames greater than 128chars.

I did some tests/googling... and I am able to see the files in Windows but there is some strangeness. Apparently Windows (XP/Vista no info on 7 yet) supports UDF version 1.20, 1.50, 2.00 and 2.01. Latest UDF standards are 2.50 and 2.60 but I dont think Linux is using them yet. I looked at the manual pages for "mkudffs" on Linux and it also supports the same versions as Windows apparently.

What version of Linux and Windows are you running? I have Kubuntu 9.04 and Win7 RC.

I tried K3b (the old/standard version this time - afraid of killing my drive again) and while burning a 3gb file to DVDRW there is an option to choose the filesystem.

I picked "Linux/Unix + Windows" option but during burning it shows a message that "file greater than 2gb so enabling UDF" something like that.

The disc works fine on Linux but booting into Windows it shows as empty "4.37 gb of 4.37 gb available".

Now I installed CDBurnerXP and opened the disc and it could see the file, then I just "finalized" the disc.

Now Windows still shows empty disc in explorer but if I browse the disc I can actually see the file! I'm not sure if it was visible even before finalizing the disc though because I didn't check at the time.

It was a Win7 ISO which I had burned but as a normal file and not an image. I am able to mount the file from the DVD in MagicDisc Virtual drive so the file is there and intact.

So this is definitely a UDF standards interoperability issue between Linux and Windows... and I tend to think its MS that is messing with the standards - we know of their "embrace and extend" tactics. :D There is even a MS KB article pointing out to possible problems mounting UDF discs.

But I'm hoping its an innocent interoperability issue that can be fixed either on the Linux side or on the Windows side when Win7 is finally released or in a service pack.

What versions of Linux and Windows you used?


Great wikipedia link:

It has a table of OS/version support, apparently Linux supports 2.50 currently which seems right after browsing the source. And Win7 has 2.60 support yet it doesn't read the disc even if the K3b app is using latest version...

I'm currently trying to force version as 2.01 even though the man page of udftool says its the default anyway but could be outdated.

Will also post a question to mailing lists / forums asking why Windows can't read disc written on Linux :)


Tried Brasero - yes it did give a warning about 2gb file size limit but the burning worked fine - it even showed a warning that it might not work on Mac OS and there was a checkbox "make disc readable on windows os" something like that :) but the results are the same as k3b - the disc shows as empty in explorer but the file is actually there when you double-click the drive.

Now I'm thinking this is a bug/issue in the underlying linux tools like "genisoimage" which is not updated for latest linux kernels... there are a few older bugs/forum posts but need to see what is the latest situation. ok im done playing this morning - got to go to office and work :)
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