Another Thread for Career help! :|

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Rahulrulez said:
^^ How hell ?? Can students from different Trades work in different trade companies???
Yup, Vinchu for ex. Studied mechanical, now a soft engg in infosys
Rahulrulez said:
ok, what kinda job we can have after B.E. Computer Sci.??
I heard best way is doing Electronics and Telecommunication... You can do job in any kind of company...
After BE CS? Boring monotonous life. sit in front of the computer and type type type.
E&C. course is much harder. honestly, i'd never pass if i chose E&C :P
Chaos said:
Ask your friends to go jump in a well.
+ 1 kazillion :D
The best way is to do what you like not what others tell you to do. Its your life and you decide what you want to do.
SunnyBoi said:
Yup, Vinchu for ex. Studied mechanical, now a soft engg in infosys

After BE CS? Boring monotonous life. sit in front of the computer and type type type.
E&C. course is much harder. honestly, i'd never pass if i chose E&C :P

+ 1 kazillion :D
Honestly, I am agree with you.. Life of B.E. CS candidate is sooo boring, even I am looking @ my cousin, so boring life.. I would like to work in any Game developing company instead of software developing company.

Gaming, Web designing, Animation is my career.. Unfortunately in India, there is no Graduation course for that :( :cry:
Good Engineers will always find jobs/opportunities. Period

If you are looking at design, you can always do it after your B.E/ the CEED (Common entrance exam for design). The IITs have a pretty decent design course which results in an M.des degree. Don't trash Engineering as yet, it isn't all that bad :P
Only thing is I have to get select in Campus interviews :D... It will help me to give experience, and then, nothing is impossible :D
+1 to the well-jumping suggestion

@Rahul - dude do what YOU want and not what others tell you


Dunno what it is about mech engg, but it is looked at as a grey field - people from my batch

got placed in everything from IT to Refineries

We are like the cockroaches of engineering :D

The Roaches PWN you all :P

Gaming? lol in india, a career in gaming is encoding a game of pacman :P

animation? you'll have to create ramayan :P
Dude relax good engineers will always be in demand. Do your CS well and there wont be any company which will not take you. Mind you CS is not easy if you want to do it well.

After that the world is your playground be it Game programming, animation or some other stuff. And once again do it well.

Dunno what it is about mech engg, but it is looked at as a grey field - people from my batch

got placed in everything from IT to Refineries

We are like the cockroaches of engineering

The Roaches PWN you all


Showing Mech 'gethu' eh ? :P :P

Anyways Mech is in big demand in TN this time round. The Engineering counselling this time had ppl taking mech and civil over IT, EEE etc....
Rahulrulez said:
.. I would like to work in any Game developing company instead of software developing company.

Gaming, Web designing, Animation is my career.. Unfortunately in India, there is no Graduation course for that :( :cry:

Son, what do you know about game development ?

You think its simple as a+b = c ? Animation is just one small part of it. There is a whole other angle to it.

About web designing , i think we have subjects which teach you HTML, XML,CSS etc etc in CS.

You are looking for a graduation course in web designing that would extend for 4 years ? bleh, you are getting very specific.

Engineering is to give you a background before you can choose your specialization . It starts of from the basic of physics, Maths, numerical methods and introduces you to concepts like Fourier transform, Z transforms . Algorithms and problem solving skill forms the pillars of an engineer.

So, settle down, take up engineering and work on your are of interest parallely. Engineering will give you the basics for the fields you are looking to specialize into
cyrux said:
Son, what do you know about game development ?

You think its simple as a+b = c ? Animation is just one small part of it. There is a whole other angle to it.

About web designing , i think we have subjects which teach you HTML, XML,CSS etc etc in CS.

You are looking for a graduation course in web designing that would extend for 4 years ? bleh, you are getting very specific.

Engineering is to give you a background before you can choose your specialization . It starts of from the basic of physics, Maths, numerical methods and introduces you to concepts like Fourier transform, Z transforms . Algorithms and problem solving skill forms the pillars of an engineer.

So, settle down, take up engineering and work on your are of interest parallely. Engineering will give you the basics for the fields you are looking to specialize into

thats some very good advice right there.


if you want to extract the best out of a 4 year engg degree; trust me, you will have to put in a lot of hardwork on your own.

there is only so much that text books will teach and faculty at a standard indian engg college are only going to be abysmal, if not worse.

if you want to get into things such as web development etc; you will have to focus a lot on building your skills yourself since there isnt too much of a focus on such topics in an engg curriculum. an engg degree gives you a broad coverage of all that a graduate might need in the future, the graduate here being any student who takes up the course. so, it'll definitely not be custom made for your requirements or choices.

what exactly do you mean when you say that you want to get into game development?

do you want to code games? aka game programming

or do you want to make artwork for games? aka graphics/animation

or do you want to design games? aka stuff like gameplay design; story/script; etc

these are just 3 of the numerous choices available to a person wanting to get into the game dev industry.

Its no easy thing, making games. it requires a lot of hard work, patience and perseverance.

Unfortunately india despite the large number of software and services firms present; has not been a destination of choice for any major game dev studio.

all that you could do in India would involve working for services firms which get work from international studios to develop content for games(maps, modelling, texture creation, etc)

there are a 1-2 exceptions to this rule, but those companies are not great shakes as you might have guessed from the absence of any major game made in India.

an alternate you could consider would be mobile game development. in a manner very different from that for pc/console games, india is one of the hubs for mobile content development with respected studios doing business on the international level.

To sum it all up, engg is hardwork. you will have to slog your ass off if you wanna make your 4 years worthwhile and go onto something you like doing. else you could take it easy too :P

the services industry has enough companies offering easy entries to engg grads with decent salaries. but then dont complain that you dont like the work ur doing :P
What are kids coming to these days :O

When i got into college, all i could think aboutwas generally doing the stuff they wouldnt let you do in school.Bunking classes, not wearing uniforms , call strikes, rag and get ragged , flirt shamelessly ,ride a bike to college, not study , and generally college stuff . And you're already worried about your career prospects!

Enjoy your 4 years of engineering. Provided you've gotten into a good college and don't have any fundamental character flaws , You'll fit right in. And you can postpone worrying about getting a job by a few more years. I'm sure you'll be a lot more mature and be able to think about it with a clear head then :P

PS: everyone else, Dont confuse him with the truth, especially too much of it. TBH , there is a lot of it , I'm pretty sure it won't help him at this point, and will only confuse him more
why not 2 degrees ?(twinning?)

...and why BE/B.Tech ? you can do a BSc.Comp or even online degree ,afaik regular course from PTU ,then do your interests and get lot more time to live peacefully.

Mind you ,BE (ECE which I had..) course with its strictness and the amount of syllabus ,projects and all make you feeling bored.I am not disapproving BE..but ,now I feel I would have gone for a BSC.comp science and some Linux course.lot of time ,can stay in home ,old friends..but then everyone wants BE ! already BE is like what B.Sc was 2 decades back :| . Dil Ki baat suno..and wont lose anything :)

PS: never study in any taamil nadu colleges.after reading satyabhama and Jeppiar ... :)
praka123 said:
why not 2 degrees ?(twinning?)

...and why BE/B.Tech ? you can do a BSc.Comp or even online degree ,afaik regular course from PTU ,then do your interests and get lot more time to live peacefully.

Mind you ,BE (ECE which I had..) course with its strictness and the amount of syllabus ,projects and all make you feeling bored.I am not disapproving BE..but ,now I feel I would have gone for a BSC.comp science and some Linux course.lot of time ,can stay in home ,old friends..but then everyone wants BE ! already BE is like what B.Sc was 2 decades back :| . Dil Ki baat suno..and wont lose anything :)

PS: never study in any taamil nadu colleges.after reading satyabhama and Jeppiar ... :)

there you go again with your utterly brainless and senseless generalization posts.

you studied in a shitty college. you admitted as much. that DOES NOT mean that every college in the region is going to be the same.

please get rid of this bullshit attitude of generalizing things.

ps- he has already been admitted into an engg course in maharashtra
^ yeah.the problem is ,I was not accustomed with that much strictness .Karunya engg koyamuthoor will OWN jeppiar's colleges in strictness :P still let the boy think before joining ?
You havent been to PC thomas' entrance concentration camp have you :P

not an engg college, but still, there are places like that with anal rules in kerala as well ;)
^ believe me ! TN colleges esp those run by protestents/CSI/Pentecosta.. in TN/Andhra are having demonic ways to treat students. there is no cool in this colleges.

so the advice. TN it is very orthodox unlike what their movies shows... :) [no offense saami!).

and reg Karunya(deemed now) as a shitty college -no I cant tell that reg their facility and staff.they are better than ,atleast some engg colleges in kerala :P .
youre just looking at the wrong universities. The hindustan group of colleges are well known for being fun and easy going. 'the man' tried to crack down on it a couple of times, but nothing a few well placed strikes didnt cure :D
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