PC Peripherals Anti glare Filter


I want to purchase an anti glare screen filter for my 19" monitor. I would like to know from where I can buy this in Mumbai. Also price, if any idea! Thanks.

Would also like to add, I did check in few places like HyperCity and local computer shops in my locality (Andheri), nobody has 19" one, but 15" and 17" are readily available.
no use using anti glare screens.They only reduce the screen brightness and the overall picture quality.

Rather decrease the monitor brightness from the monitor controlls and adopt healthy computing habits to reduce eye strain.
Reduce contrast its as good as an anti glare filter, also the glare is reduced significantly if you use an LCD monitor. In CRT increase the refresh rates to its highest and reduce contrast..
1)increase the refresh rate to the maximum at the resolution you use

2)decrease contrast to a comfortable level to your eye

3)decrease brightness to a comfortable level to your eye
Thanks guys.

After making the suggested changes, though the documents on my screen has started looking aesthetically less attractive but now seems monitor is less demanding on eyes. :)

I have been planning to buy a LCD monitor but now would like to wait for couple of more months for the price to reduce for 22" one, to something around 20K. I have been using 19" CRT since 4 years, so would like to upgrade for better resolution at least.