Any good sitcoms/shows

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Now that BSG and stargate are coming to an end of season. Anything besides that 70's show worth watching ?
I dont like lost, family guy, southpark etc..
Any other good comedy ?
^^Scrubs is simply brilliant! I thought Star had started showing it over here. If not then download a couple of episodes and see for yourself. Check on IMDB for more information.
yea scrubs...u shld also checkout spin city...funny...and yea...not to forget ENTOURAGE....amazing brilliant...great content and great lang...:ohyeah: currently watching lost and smallville...both shows are good!...also you can check out Penn & Teller Bullshit...its all about bullshit things that keep happening...hmm...yea thats about it...
tracerbullet said:
^^Scrubs is simply brilliant! I thought Star had started showing it over here. If not then download a couple of episodes and see for yourself. Check on IMDB for more information.
yeah i know! in my top 5 all eps upto 103 - Her Story II
Smallville is good. But it is getting too damn broing. I just watched the latest episode today. The 14th one in the 5th season. Not as good as most episodes in 4th season which was the best.

But the best show I watched in recent times(non-Comedy) has to be PRISON BREAK!!!!

It ROCKS!!! Only one season has been aired.
Eric is not there!!!! How can it rock?? I have given up watching That 70's show when I learnt that Eric has been kicked out.
Scrubs is damm good!!!!!!!!!!! i have all the eps :D and seen all of them...damm i never knew a doc's life could be so interesting,..and that gives me hope :D :D

That 70s show season 8 is hopeless....its become too predictable...

Try watching Coupling...its one of the funniest shows i ever seen....british comedies are the best..
70s show season 8 is 1 of the worst series of all time. only the 1st 4-5 eps were ok after that its been really sad.
Yeah Season 8 would be better with Eric in it, but I yet find it better then most of the sitcoms on Star World.
scrubs btw just rocks saw on starworld.
^^what time does the show come on star and on which days? I'm completely out of touch with my television. We gotta start hanging out more often and build back the old friendship!
I think it comes on Wednesday, am not too sure. either Wednesday or Thursday late evenings, I was just browsing across when I came across it.
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