Storage Solutions any HDD guru is there

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Hi guys i am in deep trouble.My Dad's HDD on his office rig has crashed foutunately he has taken an backup no need to worry about the data.The problem is its a 80GB HDD but in the bios it is showing 42841MB (42GB):huh:

I am able to format the drive and even loaded WINXP too.the question is how come the 80 GB is showing 42GB and working fine:huh: :huh: :huh: pls help me guys i am really confused:huh: :huh:

Company - Segate Technology

Model - ST360014A

Capacity 42.841 GB (Currently Showing)

Firmware revision - 3.04

S.M.A.R.T - Enabled

p.s had done an online scan from seagate's website

Run: 6/9/2006 1:29:46 AM

Primary IDE Channel : ST360014A

Model: ST360014A

Serial Number: 3JV11JWC

Capacity: 42.84 GB

Test result: Self-test routine completed without error.
apollyon said:
just a wild guess, but check whether u've used the 33gb limit jumper

I thought of this too - but the problem is that the drive is limited to 42GB. STRANGE !!

@escaflowne ... open up XP's Disk Management and see the drive's details... is the balance of the HDD space listed there ?

Did you make any changes in the BIOS relating to the drive such as LBA LARGE and AUTO ?
Very strange....

download the seatools set of utilities from the seagate website...create a bootable CD from it, and boot directly into the seatools utility...see if that helps
Eazy said:
@escaflowne ... open up XP's Disk Management and see the drive's details... is the balance of the HDD space listed there ?

Did you make any changes in the BIOS relating to the drive such as LBA LARGE and AUTO ?

the problem is that in BIOS it is showing 42GB.all settings are selected to auto.
@superczar will try ur suggestion

sorry guys i have committed a major sin is a 60 GB HDD not 80GB.But still it should not show 42 GB
is this prob has got anything to do with the firmware.
escaflowne said:
sorry guys i have committed a major sin is a 60 GB HDD not 80GB.But still it should not show 42 GB

I notice that the drive is running under the FAT32 file system .... how were the partitions made ? .... with a Win98SE boot disk ? ........ the size may have reduced if the option of using a LARGE partition was not selected on starting fdisk. Maybe you will have to run fdisk on this drive again and make sure that the LARGE drive option is selected before making fresh partitions.

I know you have confirmed that all settings in the BIOS are on Auto but my feeling is that this size drop can also be caused if the HDD size is restriced to 42GB by manually setting it in the BIOS.

Select LBA in the BIOS and see if the BIOS shows a change in size without a reboot - do not restart the computer as the drive may not be accessable after this change after booting untill you repartition and reformat.

In Disk Management select Rescan Disks under the Action menu button and see if balance space of drive shows. I doubt it - but try anyway.
Is it possible that the balance space consists of a Linux or NTFS partition which FAT32 file system cannot see ? If this is correct FDISK should list this space as a "non DOS" partition.
@bottle yes SP2.

@tried FDISK showing 40GB in the menu.

alright i have to install SUSE linux.when install it,installation is successful but boot menu does not appear getting error message
error loading os
ok guys i am fedupwith this.used the 33GB limter HDD show 33 GB.going to install SUSe linux let me see wther it is working.i belive it should work.

pls continue to post ur suggestions.
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