M MAGNeT Galvanizer Feb 16, 2012 #1 Looking for the original piece http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifzMfk71n3Y
Being.smart Galvanizer Feb 16, 2012 #2 The song is sung by Raja Hasan and is solely made for the ad, hope in future Mr. Raja releases full version of it , love the score..
The song is sung by Raja Hasan and is solely made for the ad, hope in future Mr. Raja releases full version of it , love the score..
kauzy Galvanizer Feb 16, 2012 #3 the bride is cute regarding the song, i feel it was composed for this particular commercial.. nice song though
the bride is cute regarding the song, i feel it was composed for this particular commercial.. nice song though
M MAGNeT Galvanizer Feb 16, 2012 #4 Thanks i got that information too. Its just for the ad.If it would had been a great score to play in long drive. And ya the brides are pretty. Lolz
Thanks i got that information too. Its just for the ad.If it would had been a great score to play in long drive. And ya the brides are pretty. Lolz