Mac OS Any IrfanView equivalents for OS X

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As good as iPhoto is, I sometimes need to browse through a non imported folder

Have tried multiple Apps ranging from JustLooking to Xee but haven't found anything as light yet powerful as IrfanView

What non-iPhoto image browser do you guys use?
quick view does the job for a one off file

Thing is I have a lot of other image folders housed on networked drives beyond my albums housed on iPhoto

Now with Irfanview, it's just a matter of clicking on one file in the folder and advancing across the folder with the cursor keys

(and JustLooking/Xee also do the same)

However, Irfanview also gives you basic Image editing capabilities in terms of quick crops/resizing etc and I haven't had any luck finding something light & quick rthat could do the same for me in OS X
Well yeah... Quickview does one work on one file, but unless you are looking for more than just image viewing features Quickview is the best option. And if you don't mind couple more keypresses, then you can do Command + A on the image folder and hit Space for quickview.. voila, you get slide-show like controls to go back and forth through your images. :)
And if you don't mind couple more keypresses, then you can do Command + A on the image folder and hit Space for quickview.. voila, you get slide-show like controls to go back and forth through your images.

Ah, that never hit me...awesome :)

Although while we are at it, any suggestions on a quick image editor too?
basic stuff mate...

Say batch resizing of images or a quick crop (basic edits that Irfanview supports)

The kind of stuff you do on a regular basis and simple enough not to require the full blown power of a Photoshop
hmmm... let me check, if I can find something like that.... or better yet. Shouldn't automator be able to handle something like that? Batch Resizing and cropping scripts? I think preview can resize and crop images, so maybe create Automator macro using preview. I haven't used Automator so I don't know how exactly it works, but I think it can do something like this theoretically.


Dude... Automator is super slick to use. I just tried it and made a simple batch image resizer (in less than 5 mins). Check the attachment and try it yourself. I'm sure you can get other functionalities also working using Automator, then you won't even need some third party app for those basic things.
superczar said:
Ah, that never hit me...awesome :)

Although while we are at it, any suggestions on a quick image editor too?

Playing around with automater may take a while to get used to so why not Leopard's native app Preview, it does the basic editing tasks(batch resizing, rotating etc..) perfectly.
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