Any media player like MP-Classic

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Though therw are so many media players, i mostly use only MP classic (the new one -

I really like the drag facility, where the picture moves along with the drag, whereas in other apps i used, its only the snapshot at that particular point which comes up

hope u could understand what am trying to say :bleh:

Any such player with better features, ease of use and the drag feature like MP classic
+1 for KMP. It has the drag feature and lot of other features which are immensely useful. Nothing like KMP..
KM player it is. This player has got a truck load of customisation options. Also it's pretty light on the resources. ;)
Thanks guys...downloaded the KM player and currently using it

Though yet to get a hang of it :bleh: loads of options...
+1 for kmplayer used with FFDShow + CoreAVC + Cyberlink Audio Decoder + Haali Splitter

(you can also try MPC-Homecinema/GOM Player)
@KM Player users : What sort of customizations ?

I could try KM Player myself and see if it works out but being lazy. :bleh:

I am ardent MPlayer Classic user, but won't mind changing.

Oh yeah, does it have Volume Amplifier similar to one in VLC Player ?
^^KM Player can be used with Winamp Plugins like DFX Enhancer, Jammix Enhancer and many more such audio plugins

You can also customize directshow filter orders in better way with KM Player's options

Try it if you've never did, i bet you won't be disappointed
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