Any one in Mumbai using In2Cable broadband ?


Sorry for opening another thread :ashamed:

I would like to know if anyone is using In2cable internet service ? I have heard good reviews about it from other forums. They have a 256 kbps UL plan for 843 bucks all inclusive. What do you say ?
^^the guy told me that 512 UL is now discontinued now and they are no giving it any more. I have finally registered for MTNL Triband 749 plan
vishalk said:
hey m8,

why would u like to buy a sub-standard service when u have reliance wimax or even airtel wimax available in town?

Airtel WiMax ? Never heard of airtel offering wimax... enunciate please.

i received a flyer a day or 2 ago about them offering wimax services, not much detailed and all it was bout was how the service is provided and for further info was to contact them regarding plans and to chk of available in ur unsure as u are, i too intend to find out more about this..