Any sify users here facing problems with torrents?


Hey Guys!

I am having tracker issues with desi torrent sites like BwT, DcT, DT. It shows - Tracker Offline (Timed Out). I'm guessing it's a problem with the ISP. Any sify user here facing similar issues?
you may want to make sure your torrent program is most up to date and IS ALLOWED by those sites. Sometimes when a program update comes out they ban the old one.

Also, check on those sites to see if you are connectable (ports forwarded correctly).

Lastly if none of that is the problem go into the forums of any of those sites and look around. If others are having that problem there will probably be a post about it and a solution.

good luck enjoy.
Have done all of that dude, only been facing this problem for the last couple of days. And I can access trackers like pratebay etc., its only with the desi torrents that Iam this issue.
OT, but Sify is the worst ISP in India, perhaps, in the whole World. I have had very bad experiences with them as do most other people have.

Thats one of their achievement. Worst service and one hell of a CC experience.

Try going for a better ISP like BSNL, Airtel or TATA if u can
Hey, I am using Sify and there has not been a single problem as to using torrents. The good thing is nothing is blocked from the ISP side.

U must be using desi torrents which are generally seeded in the night with some going through the entire day. Get those torrents which have 24 hours seeding and u won't face any such problem.
Check the seeding time mentioned before downloading something.:)
Hey mate,

If the ports were blocked by any means he won't be even able to download from piratebay.
He's having problems with desi torrents which have lots of seeders who only seed at night and are not 24/7 seeding.

ShAD0W said:
open ur ports of torrent client on por 80 or 21 .. will work for sure;)
yes even i am having the same problem ..

i cant download any torrent from any of the desi sites.

idesir,Bwt,Desitorrent,Exdesi,Dct etc etc ..

get the same error message 'Tracker Offline (Timed Out)'

did anyone find a solution to this problem?