PC Peripherals Any way to connect both the Speakers and the Headfones???

I have a Creative SB Live 7.1 sound card.....I have connected my HT speakers to it. My speaker system does not have a headphone jack.....

I want to connect a headphone/ mic to the PC....I won't be using it much..I just want the thing to work wen I use google talk and Yahoo Msnger....

As my cabinet is kept in a corner...It becomes a hassle to disconnect/reconnect the speakers and connect the Headphone and Mic each time.....

I also have an onboard sound...Is it possible to use the onboard sound jacks for the headphone and the sound card jacks for the Speakers, so that I don't have to wiggle my to to connect/disconnect my speakers??
U need this,

its' called sound splitter by many..available in most electrical spare shops for ~15/20

BTW like you mentioned, you can also run the 2 sound cards simultaneously - your SB Live + your onboard. In most cases this will not cause a conflict.

You can then configure the audio settings within Google Talk / Y! Msgr to route the headphone + mic through onboard sound.