PC Peripherals any wires etc to be bought with this config ?


i have ordered a assembled pc from smc nehru place. this is the config. wanna know do i need to buything else , wires etc to fit the screen,cpu etc?:huh:

AMD Phenom II 550BE -
Biostar TA785GE 128M -
2GB DDR2 800mhz Transcend -
500GB WD Green -
Zebronics Bijli -
Gigabyte Superb 460W -
LG/Samsung DVDRW -
Samsung 2033 -
Logitech/Microsoft Wired Combo
All the cables that you need will be bundled. 2033SW might come with VGA cable and since your mobo has VGA cum DVI, if you have money, purchase a good DVI cable. Won't make much difference though between VGA and DVI.
Won't make much difference though between VGA and DVI.

The way I see it makes a huge difference!! The difference between DVI and HDMI is negligible. The difference is very apparent when watching videos, in VGA the videos appear blocky, whereas in DVI its clear and crisper.
yea .. DVI does give a better display quality than VGA.

@ Vaibhav : For assembling, you need not to pay anything extra. For installation of OS and other things, you may have to pay a small amount as mentioned by desibond. Just give a call to your dealer.
harryneopotter said:
you wont be needing any extra power cables !!

He will, if one of the power cable is not working. :)

bitspilani, trust me on this, just get 2 extra power cables, max cost would be 100 bucks, if I am not mistaken.

bitspilani said:
hacker dude how many and what sizes/specifications :S

Just tell your dealer to get 2 extra power cables, he will know, you can use the cable for lcd, crt and psu.
The Gigabyte PSU does not come with a power cable - or at least my room-mate says so. In any case, an extra power cable doesn't hurt! :)

desiibond said:
Won't make much difference though between VGA and DVI.

About time you get your eyes checked! :p