Anybody seen Panasonic 32LX800 ?


Hi all.

Only one step from buying 32LX700, but then heard about 800 series, now 2 steps back from buying this wonderful TV. I'm from Chennai, so no 2008 range here still, heard its available in Bombay and Delhi.

So, I depend on forum members who have seen LX700 and LX800 side by side, by chance, or only LX800, to give their valuable input.

Eagerly waiting for valuable replies.:)
pEtRa said:
any one, help appreciated ?

You must have by now already found one since you posted this topic in Aug 2008. Anyways you must be aware of "BLUR", its a massive gaming arena within the Satyam Complex in Chennai. Go on the 6th floor and you will see about 20 Panasonic 32LX800 LCDs all hooked up to the PS3 and 360 :) . You can probably ask them as to where they got it from. I am 100% sure those are the Panasonic 32LX800. And i have never seen such insane clarity on any other 32" LCD screens out there when u compare this one.