Anyone getting the promised 'double @ night' on Exatt?

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Well like the title says is anyone gettin the increased speed from 11pm to 9am on exatt??

Coz i am not getting any increased speed...i called up exatt today and they keep giving stupid reasons like 'we'll have to talk to our seniors...' and jack like that....

Is this another of exatt's rubbish idea's??
sala...why the hell do they keep doin this!!!
ppl running exatt seem to be true bafoon's....first they change plans every month...then they promise things which they can never provide...

Total waste...hope airtel comes to my area....but the airtel has been way tooooo slow to expand in!
forget double @ night....i think my connection is capped @ 25kB/sec!!

Thats just something exatt would do :D
exatt sucks... i've been having slow download speeds and hours of downtime per day for the past 2 weeks already! and to think i pay 3.5k per month for a freakin 512kbps unlimited plan, even though i hardly get speeds above 26kb/sec during the day but it does double to about 60kb/sec during nights... that is, when the connection works.. #@!)(*#)(!*@!
Somethings funny in my exacct connections. During night, I get 2 mbps speed and during day its around 1 mbps. I am on 50 GB limited 256 kbps scheme. The funny part is that I finish the first such account in less than 10 days as I didnt acknowledged the high speeds. Earlier I had 128kbps 50 GB limit scheme. But, I am happy with that considering I used to download around 37-38 GB before in 24*7 * 30 days. Now, I download around 45 GB, but atleast its 10 times faster and cost me 500 more over the original charges of 1000/month. Yea, I know my cable guy charges a premium commision on it, but it is the only reliable connection which works 30 days/month. Sify and other connections work for around 25 days/month.

P.S. I can post screenshots to prove the speeds.
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