Anyone here watched 'Where the Wild Things Are' yet?

Was brilliant for me.

It's based on a picture-book that contained just about 300 words(Haven't read it/seen it myself - Seems it came out in 1963. Yeah, 1963).

You usually fall into either one of the below categories, once you've seen it :
1. You feel it's boring and plotless.
2. You can easily relate the movie with kids' feelings, their inablility to cope with emotions like fear, anger, betrayal etcetera.

PS : It's touted as a 'dark' film (though, I'd disagree). Might not want to show it to young kids.
By the way, the movie has a score of around 8 @ IMDB.
Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
Aces170 said:
I dont think its released in India.... and AFAIK the DVD is not out either...

There are *ahem sources* on the internets... :p

forum67 said:

I did watch Denis Richard " Wild Things"
Oh, and while you're at it, it's Denise Richards.. The way you spelt it, it did sound like a guy's name..