I needed to know a few things about Liver Metastasis and had a couple of questions in particular so any help in answering them would be really appreciated.
You can call me if you need help.
Is smoking 20 cigarettes a day cancerous? How long till it takes effect if someone is smoking since 1.5 years?
Is smoking 20 cigarettes a day cancerous? How long till it takes effect if someone is smoking since 1.5 years?
Are you serious? or just kidding?
Is smoking injurious is probably dumbest question in this century. Forget the count, as mentioned in previous post, even passive smoking is injurious. Or even a single cigarette a day.
Watch this documentary. It may portray that its alternatives are better than smoking, but best thing is to stop consuming all bullsh!t tobacco products.
Unless one wants to die early or have poor quality of life and want one's health to affect his/ her family because of complications, one MUST stop smoking.
Metastasis in any form of cancer is actually bad news. From what I have seen - It means that the cancer is now using lymph nodes or blood stream to spread away from the actual tumor.
I would advice seeing an oncologist at earliest to contain the spread because they spread to any part and restart the formation. Generally the most affected key parts of the body are bones, liver, lungs and brain. If it is Metastasis then consider this to be an advanced stage of cancer. Chemotherapy and Radiation is the most effective treatment in this case.
Now since it has spread to the liver a surgery to remove the affected area if possible might be an option but the doctor will be your best guide.
I suggest getting a PET-CT Scan done immediately. Please note that if the patient is diabetic then the sugar level has to be under control at the time of scan.
Best of luck and do keep us posted in case. Regards.
Hi Prabs,
Thank-you so much for the concern mate and also for the information you provided. I really do appreciate it. Unfortunately, the person I was asking for passed away. Her liver as well as her lungs gave in (due to end stage acute Pneumonia and being severely jaundiced). Age was also not on her side. The cancer had metastasized to her vertebrae as well. Thankfully there was no pain and she slipped into Coma (due to increase in Carcino Toxins and Hepatic Encephalopathy). She was a person who I was extremely close to and needless to say it's been shattering. The sheer speed at which it happened caught me completely unprepared for such a devastating end. I still can't fully fathom that something that started as a simple upset stomach would ultimately lead to her being completely taken away from my life, so swiftly.
As for the tests, yes a bulk load of them were done. Like you mentioned it started from USG and CT scans. I had admitted her to one of the premier nursing homes here in Kolkata because I wanted nothing but the best care and treatment possible for her but now that I think back the odds were way too much. Among other tests, things that struck out were remarkably increased levels of ALP and GGT but importantly her Alpha-Feto Protein (ALP) had reached astronomical figures.
Losing her was hard. Very hard. But what I didn't realize at that point is what lay before me. Living without her, now, is something I can't really explain. She was a key architect in pushing me to where I am in my life now. I had a rough childhood and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be half as successful as I am today. The best part was she never once asked anything of me but gave me her constant support, always. I still remember the evenings I used to come home and sit by her, completely exhausted from my initial business setup days and also prior to that when I was shuttling between a part-time job and higher studies. Those days were long, draining but talking to her, seeing her smile always lightened up my mood. Kept me going. She never shut me out. I'm just thankful I got to take care of her for the last two decades of my life.
I tried but... couldn't save her. I just hope she is in a better place now...
I am really sorry about your loss. My deepest and sincerest condolences.
There is not much I can say to make you feel better despite having witnessed first hand the progressive nature of the disease.
I completely understand how you feel having gone berserk myself begging the hospital to do a SDP (Apheresis) as a last resort but they left the decision to the Oncologist and he felt that the stage the patient was at it made no difference. Looking at it now I understand his decision because keeping or trying to prolong someone's life beyond a certain point is just making them go through more and more suffering but at that point I was just not willing to let go and that kind of blinded me. Selfishness had set in - all that mattered to me back then was she was alive and with us irrespective of the quality of life. By the end we had gone through 47 transfusions and we still didn't want to stop, sadly we couldn't change her fate.
You should take solace in the fact that you tried your best. There are things in which one can make a difference and there are things in which the outcome is known but we should still try and knowing you, you did try.
I don't disagree with you. But once you start making friends, it's inevitable at around 20+
Hi Prabs,
Thank-you so much for the concern mate and also for the information you provided. I really do appreciate it. Unfortunately, the person I was asking for passed away. Her liver as well as her lungs gave in (due to end stage acute Pneumonia and being severely jaundiced). Age was also not on her side. The cancer had metastasized to her vertebrae as well. Thankfully there was no pain and she slipped into Coma (due to increase in Carcino Toxins and Hepatic Encephalopathy). She was a person who I was extremely close to and needless to say it's been shattering. The sheer speed at which it happened caught me completely unprepared for such a devastating end. I still can't fully fathom that something that started as a simple upset stomach would ultimately lead to her being completely taken away from my life, so swiftly.
As for the tests, yes a bulk load of them were done. Like you mentioned it started from USG and CT scans. I had admitted her to one of the premier nursing homes here in Kolkata because I wanted nothing but the best care and treatment possible for her but now that I think back the odds were way too much. Among other tests, things that struck out were remarkably increased levels of ALP and GGT but importantly her Alpha-Feto Protein (ALP) had reached astronomical figures.
Losing her was hard. Very hard. But what I didn't realize at that point is what lay before me. Living without her, now, is something I can't really explain. She was a key architect in pushing me to where I am in my life now. I had a rough childhood and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be half as successful as I am today. The best part was she never once asked anything of me but gave me her constant support, always. I still remember the evenings I used to come home and sit by her, completely exhausted from my initial business setup days and also prior to that when I was shuttling between a part-time job and higher studies. Those days were long, draining but talking to her, seeing her smile always lightened up my mood. Kept me going. She never shut me out. I'm just thankful I got to take care of her for the last two decades of my life.
I tried but... couldn't save her. I just hope she is in a better place now...
Very well said. Instead of prolonging life just because we like, love ones's company, i think what is best for the patient should matter more. Its only because we are attached to our / others body so much, we feel bad for one's loss. Of-course its natural as well on broader scale but think of it like your closed one doesnt have to suffer anymore out of illness or pains from proceeding treatment.
Hope you come out of the grief of losing you loved, soon and understand that death is not necessarily bad.